February 22, 2007. The Hyperlinked Library. Boston Public Library Staff Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. February 22, 2007. Library 2.0. Simmons GSLIS, Librarty 2.0. Boston, Massachusetts. March 1 & 2, 2007. Blogs & RSS Building Community & Library 2.0 with Jenny Levine. Nassau County Library System, Uniondale, New York. March 23, 2007. Library 2.0: Planning, People & Participation. Workshop for Capital Area Library Directors. Williamsburg, Virginia. April 12, 2007. Library 2.0 with Jenny Levine. Texas Library Association. San Antonio, Texas. April 26, 2007. Southwest Florida Library Network Technology Day April 27, 2007. Charleston Public Library Staff Day May 3, 2007. Massachusetts Library […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
I heart (heh) how my Flickr friends have noted themselves… 🙂 “Blame it on my wild heart!”
You have new Picture Mail! Originally uploaded by libraryman. Nice signage at OCLC… How many times, librarian, have you sat in a meeting for three hours and realized at the end nothing was decided? These rules might help with that. 🙂
IM Office Hours – No Class Tonight Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Physical, real time class is cancelled because it is NASTY here in Chicago but the class can still meet with me via IM and work on the Collection Development module online at Blackboard. To everyone in the path of the winter storm..stay safe and warm!
http://blogaboutlibraries.com/2007/02/i-didnt-get-mls-to-do-that.html Steve at Blog About Libraries presents and excellent answer to that question I get a lot at presentations: “What about about all of the stuff we’ve always done and continue to do? How can we possibly add anything new?”: Professions do not stand still. We don’t have a choice. The jobs we signed up for may not exist anymore. Please go read his explanations of each. I couldn’t agree more. thanks Steve!
Let me point you to John Berry’s blog at Library Journal: http://blatant.libraryjournal.com/blog/?p=17 Jobless Jitters NEWLIB-L should be required reading for library administrators, library school faculty and deans, and any librarian who has settled into that mid- and late-career comfort zone. It is the discussion list for librarians with brand new Master’s degrees in the library and information professions operated by Susan Scheiber, Assistant Director at the RAND Corporation (but she’s no Herman Kahn). Some posters and subscribers are employed and some are not. Recent threads, like those called “unemployed” and “toxic first jobs” and others, display a growing bitterness at […]
At the OCLC Symoposium, we used an audience polling mechanism that allowed on the spot feedback and answers. I was able to contribute a question as was Howard Rheingold. The OCLC folks sent me the results that were displayed in the room so I could include them here. It’s fascinating and might be viewed as a reliable data set/cross section of the profession. We had between 350-400 people in the room. One bit of data that would help is a breakdown of what types of librarians were present. Over half of the crowd said “no” (my work is not yet […]
“There are countless examples/case studies of libraries being the center of the communities in which they serve. What is the best example of “libraries building communities” that you have come across or experienced? What do you see happening in the future in empowering libraries to play even a greater role in their communities?” For fifteen years, I’ve worked in a public library, mostly in positions relating to the Web or technology training. It’s with that background and paradigm I address this question. I love the examples of libraries building community via physical space and through interactions between users and librarians, […]
I heart this: I am a “browser” – I love wandering around the library stacks seeing what catches my eye, and my daily cruise through our “new books” section has led me to some great reads. In the same vein, one of my favorite things to during those rare “downtimes” in the office (like when I’m eating my lunch!) is to open up my Bloglines account and see what some of the other bloggers are saying. I rarely fail to find an insight, an idea that we can use here at PVLD, or a link or reference that opens up […]
Rosario writes: Take a look at the prizes that are up for grabs for the staff of the Palos Verdes Library District who complete their modified version of 23 things. You can view the available goodies at the site. This is another example of a library doing good things on a small IT budget. http://www.pvldlearning.blogspot.com/ A Wii! iPods!! Woohoo… The library ties the program to it’s mission and vison. Explore some of the new technologies that are reshaping how people use the Internet to access information and interact with one another. Think about how these new technologies could be used […]