Have I mentioned my Monday office hours at Corner Bakery? Originally uploaded by mstephens7. I teach upstairs so this is a nice place to meet students and prep classes.
Yearly Archives: 2007
ALA TechSource Rockstars Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre. I agree with Michelle! I looked around the table at the incredible folks dining and chatting and told them: “I’m honored to be here.”
http://www.blyberg.net/2007/01/21/aadlorg-goes-social/ Blyberg works his code magic on his catalog, Drupal and improves the social aspects of their Innovative Interfaces Inc catalog: So what is the SOPAC? It’s basically a set of social networking tools integrated into the AADL catalog. It gives users the ability to rate, review, comment-on, and tag items. The concept is nothing new, but the nature of our systems do not yield readily to this kind of retrofitting–something I plan to really start tackling in earnest, but that’s a topic for another post. If you’re wondering (and didn’t know already), AADL’s automation system is III which recently […]
2007 ALA Midwinter Meeting Originally uploaded by ALA staff. The hottest place to be is queued up for some DDR at the ALA TechSource/AL Booth. here Michael Golrick and Jenny Levine cut the proverbial rug. Click through to leave a comment on their snazzy style!
Just thinking about the Cluetrain and library managers/administrators this morning. Command-and-control management styles both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of paranoia. Is your library steeped in a culture of paranoia?
Libraries and Web 2.0 Originally uploaded by crr29061. Via Dr. Curtis Rogers: Beaufort County Library has puit up a page about Web 2.0 for library users. http://www.bcgov.net/bftlib/web.htm Take a look. (WOW! He just posted another cool use of Flickr for historical photos at Pickens Library.)
For some tips and strategies on dealing with librarians, IT and this 2.0 world, don’t miss Karen Schneider’s most wonderful post at TechSource “IT & Sympathy.” http://www.techsource.ala.org/blog/2007/01/it-and-sympathy.html First, if they haven’t told you what they’re up to, sit down with your IT people and ask what their schedule is, and where your needs for new stuff fit in. It would be wise for IT to do this proactively, but they may not think this way, and you can help them get there. You may find out that IT has some pretty important stuff on the docket, pretty far down Maslow’s […]
ALAMW2007 Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Things are bustling at the convention center! I’ll be hanging out with the OCLC folk at their booth in the exhibit hall after the symposium. If you are attending, please say hi. (and don’t miss the DDR at the ALA TechSource booth!) See you there!
An Aussie Librarian writes: I was dismayed to read your post ‘Lock the Doors’ regarding the library who have decided to close for part of the day, due to youth violence and inappropriate behaviour. I am glad that the community is taking a role to keep the library open. These types of problems with youth are by no means limited to the USA and we have experienced very similar here in Australia. We have a success story You may want to share with readers of TTW. One of our public libraries, West Torrens Library Service, recently won an award for […]
http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/netflix/hands-on-the-netflix-download-video-service-thumbs-up-229533.php Fascinating “hands on” report of the new NetFlix video download service. Sadly, it’s not for Macs yet but I’m glad to be reading about it. I’m fascinated to see how all these services — NetFlix, amazon, iTunes — will change the AV area of many public libraries over the next few years.