Life imitates art, originally uploaded by Weymouth Public Library. After reading “Dad’s Bald Head”, Dad Ken decided to take the plunge and shave his head too! Connor is proud of his dad! This made me smile… nice to see on the Weymouth PL flickrstream!
Daily Archives: January 5, 2008
2 posts Dr. Curtis Rogers just bought a MacBook (hooray!) and he describes the customer service at the Apple Store: I kept on looking for her to walk me to the back of the store to the check out counter but that was not the case. Another guy came up and while she went to grab my new MacBook, he checked my ID so I would get the State Government discount and with a handheld device, processed the sale. I NEVER moved! He swiped my card right there, I signed his handheld device and was good to go. What a great […]