Daily Archives: March 2, 2008

3 posts

Greetings from Adelaide

Greetings from Adelaide Hello from South Australia. I am getting better – slowly, and I appreciate all the nice emails and Facebook notes. Yesterday was a gloriously sunny, warm day (sorry, folks at home 🙂 ), and what better place to enjoy it than a Wildlife preserve.


  Don’t miss CindiTrainor’s newly revamped and newly retitled blog: Citegeist. She ponders some fascinating uses of Twitter and other tools for research in a recent post:  Say I am doing research with colleagues and find an article that should be included in the literature review section, when we get around to writing our article. Building on the FoxyTunes model, I would need a browser extension that can read citation information from a number of citation management sites as widely varying as EndNote Web, RefWorks, Reference Manager, Zotero, del.icio.us, or even a locally-created database, as long as there were a […]