Daily Archives: April 13, 2008

7 posts

Guest Post: Library 2.0: Pandemic or Panacea? by Anthony Andros

Anthony Andros wrote this paper for LIS701 at Dominican in Fall 2006. He agreed to post an shorter version here.  Library 2.0: Pandemic or Panacea? An Exploration of Old Wine in a New Bottle by: Anthony Andros T.S. Eliot said that, “Television…is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.” Technology has indeed found a way to influence civilization in both positive and negative ways. Why is it that twenty-first century Americans have innumerable technologies and novelties to conserve time and effort, yet we all […]

The Old School & Transparency

Don’t miss Nancy Dowd’s shared presentation from CIL2008: http://www.slideshare.net/ndowd/giving-your-marketing-a-second-life/ I was very happy to meet Nancy in person after our talk. I really appreciate what she does and her take on marketing in libraries. Her thoughts on transparency and the Old School are spot on and should be discussed. Have you ever encountered an old school business that wants to control the message so much that the humanity, transparency and message itself gets muddled?

Two Librarians Attempt to Knock Down Walls

A few weeks ago we toured Columbia College Library (love the web site!) as part of my intro class. I bumped into a librarian who had heard me speak about extending services outside the library walls. She mentioned they had tried it to some interesting results. I asked her to write a few sentences to share with TTW readers – and here it is: As promised, I am sending you a note about an activity that I and another Reference Librarian undertook to advance our Library along the Library 2.0 way! Following a model you mentioned in your talk with […]

Google’s IT Department

From “Pleasing Google’s Tech-Savvy Staff” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120578961450043169.html Unlike many IT departments that try to control the technology their workers use, Mr. Merrill’s group lets Google employees download software on their own, choose between several types of computers and operating systems, and use internal software built by the company’s engineers. Lately, he has also spent time evangelizing to outside clients about Google’s own enterprise-software products — such as Google Apps, an enterprise version of Google’s Web-based services including email, word processing and a calendar. Later:  It used to be that you used enterprise technology because you wanted uptime, security and speed. None […]

Universities A-Twitter

From the Chronicle February 29, 2008 http://chronicle.com/weekly/v54/i25/25a01501.htm (I think it’s expired 🙁 ) As iPhones and other “smart phones” become more popular on campuses, and as computing becomes even more mobile, it seems that some form of Twitter-like service may become part of student and faculty life. But the technology has potential costs in terms of money and privacy. Some observers, essentially arguing that there is such a thing as too much information, say that Twittering will never catch on the way blogs and e-mail have. David Parry, an assistant professor of emerging media and communications at the University of Texas at Dallas, says he was reluctant to […]

The Connected University (Library)

  http://www.acu.edu/technology/mobilelearning/index.html Mobile technology is shaping the way we live, work and learn. Since education can now take place in the classroom or virtually anywhere, ACU is committed to exploring mobile learning technology that makes sense for our students and their future. ACU leaders have given top priority to researching and developing a “connected” 21st century campus, integrating technology into course curriculum and campus life. Several pilot applications have already been developed for Fall 2008. There’s a video as well: A fictional day-in-the-life account highlights some of the potential benefits in a higher education setting when every student, faculty, and staff member is “connected.” The applications […]

A Response to “Texting”

From the comments on: “Libraries that don’t offer texting are basically invisible to me.” comes this response from TTW reader Graeme Williams: I’m a library user, not a librarian.  We have a beautiful library in our town, but usage is dropping slowly year by year.  I think the general point is exactly correct, although I’d call the problem one of friction rather than invisibility.  It is, after all, possible for a sufficiently determined person to locate the library, obtain a library card, and borrow a book, provided they have proof of residence, so the library isn’t literally invisible. My children use […]