Monthly Archives: June 2008

74 posts

Embraces Technology

Karl Fisch points to a job posting for a school principal: The areas of proven success excite me, including what I perceive to be a focus on open communication, participation, and transparency. Awareness and use of technology is highlighted as well. The candidate must show evidence of proven success in the following areas: Commits to the belief that each stakeholder in the school community deserves to be given individual attention and to be treated with dignity and respect. Embraces technology and uses it as a management and instructional tool daily. Designs opportunities to empower students, staff and parents to […]

Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process

Fred Stutzman writes: For the past two semesters, I’ve taught a course on Online Social Networks at UNC’s School of Information and Library Science. It has been a great experience, and I’ve had an incredible bunch of students. This course has also been an experiment, both in subject matter and instructional technologies. Using Facebook,,YouTube and a wiki, we created courseware from Web 2.0 tools. Now that the course is over, I’ve had some time to reflect on the challenges, pros and cons of integrating these types of tools into instruction. Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process (download […]

Electronic Member Participation Survey

The ALA Task Force on Electronic Membership Participation (TFOEMP) has been charged with evaluating ALA policy as it relates to members’ ability to engage with and interact with the work of the association through committees and other working groups. A survey of members’ practice and attitudes toward serving on Association committees, task forces, and interests groups at a distance is being undertaken. Through this survey, the TFOEMP hopes to gauge member familiarity, interest, and comfort with various means of participating both synchronously and asynchronously. Please visit to respond to the survey. You will be asked to provide your ALA Membership ID. […]