Coming back from Minneapolis last night, I fell into conversation with a couple waiting to board our plane about the red carpet and roped aisles United Airlines implemented awhile back for 1K and super-duper-executive-mileage types. The lady remarked how silly it seemed and the gentleman said: “How did they ever explain THAT in a meeting.” EXACTLY what I was thinking. It’s such a strange thing to route some folks one way (across a red carpet) and all the rest of us the other way. When I got back, I searched a bit and found this: United’s Red Carpet at Pragmatic […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
Today in LIS768 at St. Kate’s we explored the YouTube presence of the Matthews Library, including a video that reveals “Five Interesting Facts” about the library. Affordable dedicated servers.
I think Peter Bromberg can read my mind, all the way from New Jersey. I’ve spent a lot of time the past few days updating and expanding my presentation for the impending trip to Australia. Peter blogs a wonderful clearinghouse of links for making effective presentations. My favorite: And like Aaron, I broke up with Keynote’s standard gradient after a long love affair.
Via the the South Bend Tribune, George & Helene: There’s a lot to ponder here about digital content, access and libraries. I appluad Borders for updating their business model. I urge librarians to examine how these new, streamlined services might fight the mission of their institutions At the Borders concept store, new themed book islands are built around lifestyle genres, including travel, cooking and health. The digital centers, meantime, are geared to welcome people of all levels of tech know-how. Staffers will guide customers through the process of burning music to CDs, downloading songs to most digital music players […]
By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens This column is directed to front-line librarians and staff, who deliver customer service and have damn good ideas for what can be done to improve things. It’s often a hurdle to get library administrators and managers to listen to your concerns and views. But there are ways. And we believe this advice holds true for everyone on the desk, from reference librarians to support staff. Be vocal but not obnoxious. You know the story probably better than anyone as to how your users perceive the library. You know how they use (or don’t use) […]
Here’s my schedule for the spring: Australia Tour: The Hyperlinked Library Sydney – Macquarie University Tuesday February 26th, 2008 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Sydney – Macquarie University Tuesday February 26th, 2008 2pm-5pm (Library Staff) CAVAL Bundoora, Melbourne Thursday February 28th, 2008 9:30 am – 12:30 pm State Library of Victoria Program “Best Practices for Social Software,” Melbourne Thursday February 28th, 2008 2pm – 3:30pm Adelaide – Cliftons Seminar Monday March 3rd, 2008 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Perth – State Librarary of WA Wednesday March 5th, 2008 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Brisbane – Cliftons Seminar Thursday March 13th, […]
It’s often a hurdle to get library administrators and managers to listen to your concerns and views. But there are ways. And we believe this advice holds true for everyone on the desk, from reference librarians to support staff….. ….Tap into reports. Some 30 percent of folks polled for OCLC’s 2005 report Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources didn’t know what “electronic databases” were, and over 80 percent were starting their own information searches at a search engine. Pew’s December 2007 Information Searches That Solve Problems tells us that younger people really do use the library. Use this as a […]
My LIS Trading Card Originally uploaded by drdrewhonolulu Nice to see Dr. Andrew Werthheimer’s LIS Trading Card. It’s one of the first I’ve seen tagged “LIS Faculty Trading Card.” I’d like to see more. LIS professors – have you made a card?
Via Karen Schneider on Twitter comes this link to a job description at San Jose State University: The Associate Dean for Digital Futures, Information Technology and Technical Services will provide leadership for the development of San José State University Library’s digital initiatives & the utilization of emerging technologies to better serve students and faculty. The Associate Dean may be in charge of the Library in the Dean’s absence and work as a member of the Dean’s Senior Management Team. The Associate Dean will exhibit leadership, solid management skills, effectiveness in resource management, and the ability to build partnerships within the […]
TTW readers know I love a good “Ten Things” post! Run, do not walk to: Ten great things an online academic library can do: Communicate with the academic community Get proper subject librarians who know their stuff to generate the content for the library website! Provide high-quality, easy to use tools to put the content the users created online in various formats (see 4) Keep the content updated Provide consistent interfaces, preferably a single consistent interface where possible Present users with the resources they use, making things one click away Structure information, making it customizable where this is appropriate […]