Daily Archives: March 20, 2013

2 posts

News: The Hyperlinked Library MOOC Fall 2013 Announced

Note from Michael: I am very excited about this project! We’ll be offering a professional development opportunity for FREE to a global audience AND I’ll be co-teaching with Kyle Jones! Thanks to SJSU SLIS for the incredible support and encouragement for this endeavor! http://ischool.sjsu.edu/about/news/detail/free-online-course-extends-learning-individuals-across-globe Take a look!

More on the #hyperlibMOOC from Kyle Jones

Please don’t miss: http://thecorkboard.org/stephens-and-jones-to-co-teach-a-mooc-version-of-the-hyperlinked-library/ A snippet: There are a number of reasons this project excites me, and I think it should excite you as a potential student: The Hyperlinked Library model takes a humanist approach to user services and their intersection with ICTs: this is not a technology course, but it is a critical examination of the dual shaping of LIS professionals and technologies as they work in tandem to serve library users; Both Michael and I believe in a constructionist approach to learning: this is not a consumption course where the lecture is a vade mecum to hold onto […]