David Warlick posts about Hitchhikr:
It’s a conference aggregator for lack of a better phrase. You’ll see two lists of conferences in the panel to the right. The top list includes conferences that will be happening in the next month (in red), conferences that have already happened in the last month (gray), and any conferences that are currently going on (blue). The longer list beneath includes all of the conferences that have been registered on hitchhikr. They are sorted by popularity.
You can click any conference to receive its report. Reports include a brief description, submitted by the person who registered the event (any registered hitchhikr can add a conference), a logo, a link to the conference web site, dates and suggested tags. Only the person who registered the conference can edit it.
I see ALA listed as well as some other intriguing conferences. Give the post read and check out Warlick’s post!