For your viewing enjoyment, in light of the recent Warner Brothers/You Tube alliance, is “Ray of Light” from SJCPL Staff Day 2003. It’s taken three years, but now I feel much more comfortable posting this and I did get permission from SJCPL administration. This video was borne out of a time that we wanted to show the staff how important every single person is to the mission of the library. Ity’s not books, or snazzy technology, or a beautiful building, folks, it’s people that make the library go round in my book.
Steal this idea or any part of it: try making a music video highlighting your library and your staff. Show folks the humanity behind what makes the library tick. The ingredients here: a miniDV camera, a Mac with Final Cut Express or iMovie, some creativity, and TIME. There was some time involved but the return, in my mind, was worth it!
If you can’t swing video, and I know many libraries might struggle with that, how about a Flickr slide show doing the same thing? Show the library and the staff and promote it via your Website.
Here’s a shout out to the staff at SJCPL for being so inspiring!