UPDATE: Two Indiana Librarians Weighs In on How Their Libraries are Doing!

I wrote about Indiana and the study that found we are tech poor in the state last week. Here’s a neat post from Winnie, where she mentions the study as well as her experiences at IL05. Note that even a small library can have success with tech and be ahead of the game!


“Now, in general, I think that New Castle and Henry County are behind in the tech wave that?s been coming at us for the past few years. But, I do think that NCHCPL is doing a good job of staying on top. For instance, Google has just announced that they want to provide all of San Francisco with wireless internet access. And that?s a big deal. But guess what? Anyone can come into our building and get free wifi and they have been able to for the past 9 months. As far as I know, we?re the only ones (at least here in town) offering that kind of service. How cool are we? We?ve got 2 blogs going which both have RSS feeds. We have great email bookclubs and newsletters. We have a mobile wireless computer lab with 14 laptops. WOW!”

UPDATE: The Loud Librarians uses a popular TTW post to see how her library fares:
