Contributors Michael Stephens

3983 posts

South Bend Airport to get WiFi

CJ at technobiblio shared this link with me via IM this am: QUOTE: Add another airport to the ever-growing list of those with Wi-Fi access. Opti-Fi Networks says it will launch wireless service at the South Bend Regional Airport in north central Indiana. 2.5 million people pass through it each year. — September 13, 2004 “

SJCPL Goes Live with IM Reference

Take a look: The site instructs our patrons : Ask a question via a live chat session Monday through Saturday during the Main Library hours of operation. We have user names for AIM, Yahoo! and MSN Messenger. A professional librarian will gladly help you find the information you seek, be it in print or online. For AIM, our screen name at SJCPL is asksjcpl. For Yahoo!, our screen name at SJCPL is asksjcpl. For MSN, our screen name at SJCPL is I am very happy our reference staff has jumped on the IM thing!!!

Information Cascade

Steven mentions the information cacscade. I wrote about it here… I do believe there are cascades in the world of LIS! I’ve been thinking a lot these days about technology planning — for last week’s retreat at SJCPL, for articles, etc. I do see how an info cacscade might affect a library as it plans new technology. Cool stuff to ponder…

Here Here

Read. This. Now. It should be the goal of staff technology trainer to get all library workers well versed in the basics of library projects. Patrons should not be met with blank stares if they ask a shelver about a library?s screen name or new self checkout terminal. It is likely unrealistic to be able to meet with every single library employee, but it shouldn?t be unrealistic to get all employees to check a staff blog. walking paper