I got back from Traverse City today because of a family reunion this weekend. Waiting for me was the new Apple Airport Express with AirTunes cables! It took about 10 minutes to install the little transmitter/receiver, load software and plug a digital cable into my Sony receiver. PRESTO. Streaming tunes from my G5 to the entertainment center! EXCELLENT sound as well with an Apple/Monster Cable digital optical input! Thanks Apple!
Contributors Michael Stephens
I’m working on a second dratft of an article on technology planning… I need YOUR HELP! Have you been successful with the art of the tech plan? Have you crashed and burned and don’t mind telling me about it? E-mail me and let’s talk! mstephens7 (at) mac.com
I should have posted last week but travel to ALA and then zipping right up to Traverse City wore me out. I’m deep in statisctics and two other course via the Web for UNT so I’m taking a few days to focus on school. The readings have been fascinating so far: histories of info science, examinations of cryptography, etc. Stats… uhhh, don’t ask! Look for me in a few days! Rock On!
I had the pleasure of having dinner with Rachel Singer Gordon Saturday night in Orlando! What fun. We fell right into conversation about our libraries, UNT, technology, conferences and writing for the library world. I appreciate Rachel’s writing and view of the library world! thanks for a great time, Rachel!
LITA Top Technology Trends ? An ALA Congrunt (Note: no wifi makes it into the Ballroom of the Peabody Hotel but the Lobby upstairs offers free WiFi! I?ll post this after the session.) Ok – The moderator said the names so quickly, said them only once and the room was so full that I never caught them in the way I should have. I will come back and edit this soon but I wanted to post it now before I leave the lobby of the Peabody! Take a look at this page of contributors at LITA’s Web site. Speakers: Eric […]
Having lunch at Dan Marino’s and finding it’s a Wifi Hotspot! Off to LITA’s Top Tech trends program…
Rock ON Aaron… 100 IM questions to his PL’s screename. He writes: “For no cost not only have we become more available, but I’ve helped patrons that otherwise wouldn’t have been helped. I’ve done more Young Adult Readers’ Advisory in the past 2 months than I have in the previous 2 years. YAs have sent me messages asking about the library’s hours, and prizes for summer reading program. I bet that these things aren’t a big enough deal for them to make a telephone call, but shooting me a quick message is more convenient. Perhaps this is grandiose, but I […]
http://www.tametheweb.com/galleries/AppleDallas/ A much much much better retail environment than the Seattle store! Oh, heck, here’s what I wrote then: During my stay in Seattle for the Public Library Association Conference I planned to visit the Apple store and buy two more iSights and an iPod mini. I was outside the store with the Sony camera shooting the silvery Apple logo and two employees came out and stood on either side of me. The female said: “Excuse me what are you photographing…we have a policy… what are the pictures for?” I said “For my blog of Apple Stores I have visited…” […]
Have I mentioned I’m off to ALA on Thursday? Probably not with all the school stuff starting. I’m going down for a few meetings, exhibits and to see some library folk. I am also going to visit Disney and Universal! I was disappointed in the lack of tech stuff at PLA, so we will see how this plays out. I chose a Hilton property that has FREE wireless throughout the building! I am travelling with my dear friend Keith, who was my roomate through 2 years of undergrad days in Bloomington “back in the day.” We always seem to have […]
…finding David Sedaris’ new book Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim on iTunes music store via Audible UNABRIDGED for $16.95!!!! Life is good.