
4301 posts

Upcoming Presentations Spring 2013

Spring 2012: January 16, 2013: Technologies & Trends Series: Learning Everywhere. Southeastern NY Library Resources Council program (online). January 22, 2013: WISE Pedagogy Pre-conference Workshop, Association for Library and Information Science Education Conference, Seattle, Washington. January 25, 2013: Distance Education SIG Beautiful Connections: Questions in Distance Education. With Kyle Jones, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Association for Library and Information Science Education Conference, Seattle, Washington. February 1, 2013: OSLA Plenary, Learning Everywhere: The Transformative Power of Hyperlinked Libraries. Ontario Library Association, Toronto, Ontario. March 1, 2013: Indianapolis Public Library Trends & Technologies Retreat April 26, 2013: Traverse Area District Library Staff Development Day, Traverse City, Michigan. May 2, […]

Crisis Informatics: Perspectives of Trust – Is Social Media a Mixed Blessing? by Dr. Chris Hagar

From the new issue of SJSU SLIS Student Research Journal: This paper highlights one of the key concerns in the emerging area of crisis informatics: issues of trusted information in crises/disasters and how the unregulated nature of social media affects information creation and dissemination. Deciding which information providers to trust and what sources of information to trust in crises is critical as acting upon trusted information can shape and influence the nature of the crisis. Social media is a powerful tool for sharing information during crises and can be used to improve emergency management capabilities, however, it has […]

Thursday nights can be slow at my library (by TTW contributor Justin Hoenke)

Thursday nights can be slow at my library.  The teens have all gone home for the day, and the only ones that remain are the quiet few who are tearing through their homework or have their eyes focused on their internet browser.  Tonight at my library, the scene was the same but before me was a pretty huge question: My little brother locked me out of my iPod.  He’s five years old and he won’t tell me how to unlock it.  How can I start again?  Do I need to buy a new iPod? The teen was pretty bummed that […]

Self Service Library in Montreal

Lora Baiocco writes: I took this picture on the way to work and I thought you might be interested in a little free library initiative taking place in Montreal. I don’t have anything to do with the project but I think it’s very cool! It’s called Livre Service which translates to “Book Service” – but it’s also a play on “Libre Service” which means “self-service” – fun!

Happy Holidays from TTW!

    I am very thankful for such a productive year and such a year of travel! I never dreamed I’d visit so many incredible places in 2012 to speak and share with library folk. To colleagues and friends of TTW everywhere – Happy Holidays!  Thanks to all for the inspirations and all the wonderful opportunities to learn. We’ll see you in the new year.

Terminology for Library Peeps – A TTW Guest Post by Valarie Kingsland

Since beginning SLIS classes, I’ve become curious about the labels librarians use for people who use the library or its services.  When the issue came up again this semester, I set up an informal poll to get some feedback.  I appreciate everyone who shared it, voted and left comments!  You may view it online, but here is a summary of the results. It would have been ideal to ask people using libraries as @infointuitive suggested, rather than library students and professionals, but I didn’t have access to that kind of audience.  So I decided to include background information in the poll to get an idea […]

Office Hours Extra: A Reimagined Core by SJSU SLIS’s Robert Boyd

  I wrote about working on re-evaluating our core classes at “Office Hours” last month. Robert Boyd, one of our faculty, continues the discussion at our CIRI Blog: I am also using some new-found time between semesters to read and reflect on two noted thinkers/practitioners, one old and one new.   The Idea of a University by John Henry Newman was originally published in 1852 where Newman proposed the theoretical underpinnings of what would become University College, Dublin.  At core, Newman argued  “the general principles of any study you may learn by books at home; but the detail, the colour, the tone, […]