
4301 posts

Managing Personal Change by Roy Tennant

Run, do not walk to this: Here are just a few of my favorites: Learn as you breathe. You breathe all the time without even thinking about it. That is how you must learn — picking up bits of knowledge, new skills, and a fresh perspective every single day simply as a part of living. As human organisms, we already do it to some degree, but we all need to get really, really good at it. Don’t be afraid of forgetting. These days you don’t need to remember very much. You can look everything else up on the Internet. […]

School Libraries in Australia – Without Librarians – A TTW Guest Post by Vivienne Taylor

Thought you may be interested in this article in The Age newspaper today – Melbourne’s main newspaper. The Australian government’s response to the Global Financial Crisis included a massive infrastructure rebuilding program for government and non-government schools, with particular emphasis on creating new school halls, community spaces and YES – school libraries! Many of these libraries are about to open or have already opened – my school library is a couple of months away from completion!  Whilst there has been some criticism of budget mismanagement for some of these libraries, the one that I have visited so far was fabulous! The Building the Education Revolution program has […]

Motivations of Scholarly Bloggers

Kyle Jones sent this to me: Kjellberg, Sara. “I am a blogging researcher: Motivations for blogging in a scholarly context” First Monday[Online], Volume 15 Number 8 (14 July 2010) Kjellberg conducted in-depth interviews with researchers who blog for the study. Take a look at the findings and discussion for some strong evidence for sharing and blogging the research process online as a researcher. Part of the conclusion: The analysis brings out at least three motivations for being a blogging researcher: the blog helps the researcher share with others, it provides a room for creativity, and it makes the researcher feel […]

Butting In: A TTW Guest Post by David Wedaman

I stumbled across an old presentation (December 2009) and I liked it, so I thought I’d share.  It’s called “Butting In” (click here for the PPT). “Butting in” is the idea that we in the Library and IT world are in what I call the “Cloutterdammerung,” or the Twilight of our Clout. We have a little window of time to use this clout to get ourselves inculcated into the places in our schools where the futures of teaching, learning, and research will be decided (or to help create these places if they do not already exist). Our advantages: people mostly like […]

Upcoming Presentations Fall 2010

September 24, 2010: “Trends & Tech in Libraries,” Geneva Public Library Staff Day, Geneva, Illinois (via Skype) October 2010 – Internet Librarian International, London. Sadly, my leg injury is going to prevent actually traveling to London this year but we’re a working on some virtual participation options. October 29, 2010: “The Hyperlinked School Library,” Closing Keynote, Michigan Association for Media in Education Conference, Dearborn, Michigan November 5, 2010: “The Hyperlinked Library: Trends, Tools, Transparency,” Afternoon Workshop, New York Library Association Conference, Saratoga Springs, New York November 12, 2010: “Hyperlinked Library Services for Everyone,” Closing Keynote, Michigan Library Association Conference, Traverse City, Michigan

How to Raise Boys Who Read (Hint: Not with gross-out books and video-game bribes)

How to Raise Boys Who Read (Hint: Not with gross-out books and video-game bribes) I think what I hate seeing in these types of articles is the general “GAMES BAD BOOKS GOOD” thing (for the full effect, imagine The Incredible Hulk saying that).  Perhaps I’m only seeing this because of my interest in gaming (I am one of the co-founders of  I don’t know.  I try to read articles like that from the approach of my parents, who are middle class, everyday blue collar folks who have their high school diploma.  What would they think?  I think they’d come […]