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Posts about blogging

Branch Blogs & Teen Blogs!

We had a question at the PLA session: Are there libraries that have blogs for each individual branch. It was a great question and both Jenny and I couldn’t name a specific example. Thanks to Emily Posedel, Web Content Specialist in the Access Services & Training Division of the San Diego County Library, we have one! She writes to TTW: Thanks for all the examples on how we can redefine the function of an RSS feed on a library site. Related to the Q/A: Currently a few of our branches have teen blogs. I have them linked @ Thanks […]


Connie Crosby, Library Manager, WeirFoulds LLP up in Toronto, Ontario, writes that she and Steve Matthews and Michael Lines have just launched the Canadian Association of Law Librarians first conference blog at This year, for the first time, the annual conference will be complemented by a collective blog (this one). Bloggers from all regions, as well as those new to blogging, are invited to contribute. We hope to offer descriptions of and reactions to the conference sessions and social events, as well as other aspects of the Edmonton experience, including weather updates and travel tips. Two of Canada’s top […]

SirsisDynix Weblogs & Libraries Q & A

Back in February, I did the SirsiDynix Webinar: Weblogs & Libraries: Communication, Conversation, and the Blog People. I got the statistics, survey and audience questions a few days ago from Crystal, who made the whole thing run so smoothly. One of the things she suggested is I might answer some of the questions here as well as share some of the polls we ran through the talk. The mechanism for the SirsiDynix presentations is very useful: the polls engage the audience and the presenter gets valuable feedback and data!We opened the session by asking what type of library folks were […]

Too Many Feeds? A GTD Post

David King posts a link to a nice post about getting a grip on reading blogs: It dovetails nicely with this post by Merlin Mann: The whole purpose of an RSS feed, it seems to me, goes straight to the “trusted system” notion in Getting Things Done — if I have a reliable way of knowing when something really important changes in my world, then I don’t have to think about it when it’s not actually changing, right? And, then, for the less than life-threatening deltas (”new kitty photo!”), it’s probably even okay to just check in every […]


I’m heading up to Minnesota this May to talk about Library 2.0. If you’re going to be at one of the sessions, please say HI! I just got word that the Southeastern Libraries Cooperating group (SELCO) has started a blog. Take a look: It’s nice to see more library consortia and systems blogging for their members.

Presidential Candidate Blogging

…the thoughts are broken… points to a blog by a candidate for ALA president. Guess what? No comments enabled! And Mark can’t find an e-mail. I would have commented at her blog, but they don’t seem to be allowed. Nice way to engage the constituency. I would have sent her an email, but I couldn’t find an email address on the blog anywhere. I may well have missed it as I do get blind on occasion. But I spent at least 5 minutes over 2 separate occasions today looking for such an animal on her blog. So if it […]

The Meme of 4 Library Blog Style

Wowza! Libby at SJCPL does a nice twist on the Meme of Four and relates it to what the library offers. Check it out and adapt it for your library blog! Let me know if you do! Update: The LiB reports: I did this for our library blog a while back and tagged other library blogs, though to my knowledge none of them picked it up:

About Darn Time!

(David said I could call the post that!) Take a look at David King’s snazzy new blog, complete with categories and such! WooHoo! My favoriter category right now is the postings devoted to the Experience Economy. Give it a read at I’m reminded of the first time I met David — Bob Lewandowskli and I timidly approached him outsdide of XandO (now Cosi) in Dupont Circle at CIL 2004. I just had to say “You Rock” to him about his take on library web sites.

Authority in the Age of the Amateur A thoughtful piece at Infotangle discusses authority of Weblogs. Ellyssa Kroski ponders, for example, how we might judge the usefulness and authority of a Weblog: Identity of the Author – Seek out the identity and credentials of the author. Be wary of anonymous bloggers. Accuracy – Is the information presented accurate? Currency – Is the blog up-to-date or outdated? Endorsements – Use sites such as Technorati and Google Blog Search to see what people are saying about a particular blog or article. Technorati recently added an “authority” slider to their search feature which allows users to narrow their results […]