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Posts about blogging

Uses of the Biblioblogosphere

Via LIS DOM and Meredith: There aren’t many places in the world where you can get by–get ahead, if you want to think of it that way–simply on the strength of your ideas and your willingness to express them. The biblioblogosphere turns out to be one of those places. I’m immensely grateful for that. I haven’t been blogging much lately–the whole life trumps blogging thing that many have experienced–but I still dip in and sometimes dive in to this wonderful set of waterways that all of you have built. One way or another, I plan to keep on tumbling through […]

Steven Bell on Academic Library Blogs

Via one of my student’s blogs! Steven does a couple of surveys and offers tips for library blogs. This struck me: Despite the rapid proliferation of library blogs I was skeptical about their value and doubted that college students were ready for them. Nevertheless, in fall 2004 I began experimenting with a blog for the Paul J. Gutman Library at Philadelphia University. My skepticism, it turned out, was warranted. In an informal survey, I found that fewer than five percent of the respondents had even heard of RSS (real simple syndication) or news aggregators. I still believe our work […]

Cerritos PL Blog for Learning and Thinking about Libraries

Via my Assistant Director at SJCPL: This blog has been created as an e-communication tool of the clioinstitute , a learning arm of the Cerritos Public Library in Cerritos, California. We hope you will visit the clioinstitute blog to tap into resources to help you find new ways to: ? stimulate creative thinking ? imagine new possibilities for your library and community New resources in each of the clioinstitute clio specific focus areas will be added regularly: ?creativity ?learning ?innovation ?organizational change So bookmark this page or add it to your RSS feed. Visit often to add your comments […]

Update: My Students are BLOGGING!

I know I’ve mentioned that I’m teaching at Dominican University SLIS this fall. One thing I really wanted to do with this group was introduce them to the Biblioblogosphere as readers and bloggers! From this came an assignment: they all got Blogger blogs the first weekend of class. Their task: 5 blog posts about libraries, technology and the Web! Natalie agreed to let me post a link to her site as a sample..and note her links to many other members of the class. these folks are doing well! Update: Rick made a great comment and I wanted to put […]

Gartner Hype Cycle at Stephen’s Lighthouse Applied to LIS Weblogs

(Darlene Fichter and I are presenting a workshop on organizational weblogs next Saturday in Monterey…this is good food for thought!) 1. Technology Trigger: A breakthrough, public demonstration, product launch or other event generates significant press and industry interest. Ponder any of the hot hot technologies we’re discussing. When did you first hear about RFID? Podcasts? IM in libraries? Was it at a conference or a big event or in an article… what about BLOGS? Let’s ponder blogs and podcasts for this example. March 2002: CIL…I first heard about blogging..and I discovered some classic bloggers… 2. Peak of Inflated Expectations: […]

The Blogger’s Toolkit Workshop at ILI2005

Sunday morning I spent three hours with a neat group of librarians from all over the world discussing how to successfully implement weblogs into the library setting. We had a lively discussion and the group came up with some brilliant ideas. Many of them already had some blog experience as well as a few were working with wikis! URLs Visited Handout Blog Bibliography Sample Style Guide from SJCPL Evaluating LIS weblogs & a worksheet to use when evaluating other library blogs. A brief PPT file of blog features used as a handout (With special thanks to Darlene Fichter for this […]

UPDATE: “Talkin’ Blogs” An LJ Roundtable from ALA 2005 The whole cover thing blows me away… wow! I can’t thank the group of people pictured there and Brian and the LJ folks for one of the best conversations I’ve had this year! Flickr set of the session: I was very happy to work with Brian Kenney on this article and gather the bloggers featured. I was impressed with their insight, candor and ideas for the future. Also, don’t miss my interview with The Feel Good Librarian – in its full-length Web version! Update: Meredith weighs in and I agree: I wish we had more space… the conversation […]

UPdate: Library Crunch

This is one to add to your aggregator!! I linked below but here’s Michael Casey’s blog: I’m intrigued by the twist “Library 2.0″… I just added it to Safari’s RSS feeds. Michael – I want to hear more about your work and your library… UPDATE: I am so excited to read these new voices of the Biblioblogosphere… and just looking at the last series of posts from Mr. Casey, I want to keep reading more. Someday, I want to sit across a table from him and talk all about this stuff! Wowza.