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Posts about blogging

Brain of the Blogger Two researchers/doctors present this intriguing post. I’d like to see more ciations and links to studies, as one commentor states, but this should be filed under “Food for Thought.” 1. Blogs can promote critical and analytical thinking. 2. Blogging can be a powerful promoter of creative, intuitive, and associational thinking. 3. Blogs promote analogical thinking. 4. Blogging is a powerful medium for increasing access and exposure to quality information. 5. Blogging combines the best of solitary reflection and social interaction. I can attest to the fact that writing here has helped my thought processes.

AADL in LJ & TTW is :-)ing I’m a flutter over this quote folks: “We wanted our web site to be interactive with the public, and chose blogs as the major form of communication,” said Director Josie Parker. “The major point is to make the library transparent.” This comes from the AADL Director who is actively BLOGGING for the libraray and engaging the community in an ongoing dialogue. Humans are interacting here folks…not tech and not a faceless PR machine. Lordy but AADL is on the Cluetrain now. “They are even being used so that the public can talk with each other. The library is the […]

Librarian’s Voices on Library Blogs

Just saying: Here’s a nice post to the SJCPL Lifeline by our AV librarian. It speaks to me becuase it’s written in Julie’s voice. I know she hearts Cusack and it certainly comes through in the post. Just returning from the lake, I spent four hours in the car with The Cluetrain Manifesto and one of the pints is to speak in your own voice when participating in the Web. Well done Julie. Library bloggers – file this one under Notable Examples of Great Library Blogging!

AADL Web Site (or I have Seen the Future and it’s Brilliant)

Read Jenny’s post about Ann Arbor. I agree! This is truly an example of cutting edge technology used to make the library a human place with a human face. PLs should look to this model of service, use of technology and sense of community when planning their web presence. And Panlibus agrees: “Just scanning the site gives you the feeling that there are humans behind it. Great site, and yet another exemplar for what can be done, for the rest of the Library world to aspire towards and beyond.”

Blogging at Work Meredith writes an insightful post about blogging at work. I was intrigued to read/hear about her interviews recently. Library folk who hire: if you are not looking at a potential employees online presence, you should be! And if you don’t know how blogging, wikis and sites such as flickr are changing the profession, you better learn. You never know what types of questions interviewees may ask. For example: Do you have a blogging policy at the library? Does blogging count as publishing/contributing to the field at evaluation time? What collaboration tools does the library use to enhance work? What […]

Pictures worth 1000 Words

Here are some flickr sets of the incredible experiences I had at ALA. I am now at the lake, PLUGGED in via a new internet service and setting to work on summer courses. I have a few posts about ALA, etc that will be forthcoming. For now, let’s have these images tell their own stories… LIS Blogger’s Roundtable for Library Journal OCLC LIS Blogger’s Salon TTW @ ALA