Categories Emerging Technology

353 posts

Posts about recently introduced technology and the future of technology

Do You Squidoo?

Phil Bradley writes about using Squidoo to create teaching aids. It’s a “How to..” do anything social site with some cool features and a definite Web 2.0 feel. Here’s his “lens” for web design: Here’s the lens for an “Intro to Web 2.0:” UPDATE: More lenses from Phil:


Via the Social Software Blog: I.M. Generation Is Changing the Way Business Talks Banks, insurance companies and other old-school businesses are using instant messaging to communicate with customers and quickly route queries, all within seconds. In the not-so-distant past, e-mail was considered state of the art, and responding within 24 hours was considered prompt. Those days seem quaint now; instant messaging is used in more than 80 percent of corporations, according to a report by Michael Osterman, an industry analyst. This article details the many – and I mean MANY – benefits of IM in the business world. One point […]

Tech Tips for Every Librarian: Free Finds for Frugal Libraries

Hooray! Here’s the full text of Rachel’s piece on Open Source Software! This piece highlights some wonderful ways librarians can implement and work with wireless, but we still nee to serve the patrons who rely on us for basic computer access. Keeping software on public access machine current, given hefty licensing fees, pricey upgrades, and pervasive patches and updates, can be an expensiv hassle. We’re all under pressure to provide more services for less money. Here, find some free and lowcos alternatives that are both easy to install and popular with patrons You don’t have to switch all your […]

Waterloo Public Library Podcasting and Circulating Blackberries! The podcasts will digitize heritage walking tours throughout Uptown Waterloo, using MP3 players and Blackberry devices that will be available for loan from the Main Library on Albert Street. The tours will also be available on-line through computer workstations located in the library. Podcasting is a method of publishing audio and video programs via the Internet. It allows users subscribe to a “feed” of new files for continuous updates.

A Mac in Every Library

I’ve had a post like this in the back of my head for weeks now — really since I started messing with Apple’s iLife ’06, an application suite that makes podcasting and video creation a breeze! I wanted to write about what benefits a library would gain by buying a Mac or two (or more) to offer what I’ve been calling “Digital Creation Stations.” While putting together our reading list and outlines with Jenny for the ALA Library 2.0 project, I reread Jessamyn’s Library 2.0: How do you share? and discovered Mathew Dames’ post about just such a thing! So, […]

Make a New Plan, Stan: More Ways to lose Your Techie Folks

A few folks have added their lists to the “Ten Ways to Lose Your Techie Librarians”: Karen: Jessamyn: Librarian in Black: Caveat Lector: (I love the bit about job descriptions being crammed full of every tech thing imaginable! And this wonderfully positive spin by Scott at, who commented on the original post. I’m putting them up top because they are really good! TOP 10 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR TECHIE LIBRARIANS: 1) Treat technology as being as important to your library as circulating books or having storytimes. 2) Try to have a “techie” on as many […]

Ten Ways to Lose Your Techie Librarians (Updated)

On page 67 of the January/February Public Libraries magazine is one of the HOTTEST numbered lists I’ve read in a long time: “How to Lose Your Best People” is authored anonymously by “several seasoned librarians.” Points like “Nitpick the dress code – because socks are essential for good public service” are not only humorous but very telling in some libraries. So with apologies to the Seasoned Anonymous Writers, let me offer up: Ten Ways to Lose Your Techie Librarians 1. Dismiss blogs/wikis/RSS as just for the geeks not library users 2. Plan technology projects without involving them until the wheels […]

Libraries doing Cool Things with iPods 2

Pattyy Uttaro reports to TTW: I’m waiting on an order of 5 iPod shuffles that we’re going to circ pre-loaded with recorded books. This summer, we’ll be circing iPods (want video, may settle for nano) from our new branch in a restored trolley depot on the Erie Canal. Those iPods will serve a couple purposes. Some will be pre-loaded with a recorded (or video) tour of our village that visitors can use to find things like good coffee, tasty food, parks, etc. Other iPods will be loaned to people traveling along the Erie Canal by boat or bike. They’ll get […]