Via Clio Institute Blog again! (Go Gail!) Google Blogs Wikis Open Source IM/VOIP (Instant Messaging/ Voice Over Internet) Ambient Information Mobile Phones as Content Inputs/Outputs Podcasts Computer Games driving educational simulations Growing Training Budgets More Decentralized College Programs Can I say how HOT this list is and how important it is for library folk to be experimenting and implementing services based on these trends. Now is a great time to start that committee or team to discuss this list. Even if it’s a small group, it’s a great starting point. From a training standpoint, it’s time to make classes […]
Categories Emerging Technology
Just a pointer to a CNN piece: “We’re all tech junkies now” The article includes results of a survey about how connected folks are and how much it all costs. What lurks in the background are the folks that don’t have all this access to services and gadgets. That’s where libraries can help: circulating ipods? free wifi, laptops that checkout? Also, a psychologist weighs in on being “too connected.” That’s a vote for balance and unplugging as well.
The Shifted Librarian: Psssst… Hey, SWAN Libraries! Jenny points to Chris Deweese’s Firefox plug ins. I tried it (even though I’m in Indiana) and it worked flawlessly. I wish we had one for SJCPL! This is HOT on so many levels: It reaches users where they are It’s developed by a programmer in a library consortium – not by the ILS folks (who should be making this type of functionality available to all clients) It’s oh so easy to use!
Sherri reports about new stuff at Skype: Both Sherri and I are waiting for updates to the Mac OS X version of Skype. I think I mighht be inclined to get a tad more serious when these enhancements roll out. For now, like Sherri, I spent some time creating an avatar (two actually). I’m tickled I could put the avatar in London. Yup…Podcast is the word of the year. Some questions then: Are you offering the technology for users to record their own podcasts at your library? Have you pondered what services might be enhanced with periodic podcasts? Will librarians play a role in the organization and dissemination of what potentially could be thousands and thousands of hours of audio content? (and video soon) Just askin’
From TTW Comments: I just think this is cool. If you want a librarian avatar – skip over to Umeaa county library in Sweden and check this out: I like this little guy a lot. He reminds of Moby. 🙂
Via Rachel: For an upcoming article in Computers in Libraries magazine, I’d like to hear from public libraries who are using free or very low-cost software on public-access computers. I’d particularly like to hear from smaller institutions and those who are using less common programs such as Tux Paint or Gimp. E-mail rachel(at), and I’ll send you just a few short questions. Thanks! – Rachel
Screen capture set: So far, I’ve purchased some shows and videos and changed a couple of iMovies to iPod format. It’s fascinating. Last night, I snuggled in bed with two dogs and the Night Stalker! Who would have thunk that? Here’s a review by Edward Baig at USAToday:
I was all a-lust when Jenny showed off her new Video iPod in Monterey! Mine was waiting when I got back! Hooray! So far: It sounds GREAT! (Better than previous generations..I tested) It looks GREAT! (oh yeah..the screen is incredibly clear…) I purchased the Desperate Housewives pilot, a few music videos and moved some iMovies over to it… This is most cool! Ken just said: “We have a staff that’s not afraid to embrace change…”