I am honored to be presenting a talk at the Information Services & Information Management school at the University of Applied Sciences in The Hague in three weeks. If you are attending, please say hello. Here is the abstract: Information Environments & Technologies for a Hyperlinked World As mobile device and ubiquitous computing become the norm, access to information is available practically anytime and anyplace. What does it mean to have the world of information in the palm of your hand? How do we navigate social information space successfully? What does the future hold? From hyperlocal collections to hyper-connected social networks, Dr. Michael […]
Categories Hyperlinked Library
The Hyperlinked Library: Emerging Trends, Emerging Tech Based on the Library 2.0 participatory service philosophy and enhanced by the writings of Buckland, Lankes et al, Weinberger and more, this class explores the Hyperlinked Library model and answers these questions: What emerging trends are changing library services? What does a connected world of continuous computing mean for 21st Century libraries? This class provides a roadmap toward becoming the Hyperlinked Library – transparent, participatory, playful, user-centered and human – while still grounded in our foundations and values. Upon completion of this class, students will be able to: Utilize models of user-centered service […]
Using this little slideshow to set the stage for my Participatory Service class this week. I use these slides before presenting the full length version of “The Hyperlinked Library.”
I’m leading a 6 hour technology trends and planning workshop today in Phoenix, Arizona. It’s nice to be back here again after visiting in March 2009. Here are today’s slides: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/239835/TTWAzTecnoPlanning.pdf (might be a few minutes for Dropbox to sync the big file) Thanks to all who are attending!
Libraries continue to evolve. As the world has changed with emerging mechanisms for global communication and collaboration, so have some innovative, cutting edge libraries. My model for the Hyperlinked Library is born out of the ongoing evolution of libraries and library services. Weinberger’s (1999) chapter “The Hyperlinked Organization” in The Cluetrain Manifesto was a foundational resource for defining this model as are the writings of Michael Buckland, Seth Godin, and others. I’ve been writing and presenting about it for a few years – expanding and augmenting as new ideas and new technologies take libraries in new directions. In Serials […]
I’m speaking at their staff institute today on future services and future technologies. Download the slides here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/239835/DGPLStaffDayStephens.pdf
Michael Stephens “The Hyperlinked Community Library” from Zukunftswerkstatt on Vimeo. Thanks to my colleagues at the Zukunftswerkstatt for posting their video of my talk last year in Leipzig while I was in Germany speaking at the US Embassy. I’ve been reflecting on 2010 this week and the two back to back trips I took to Europe – one to Switzerland/Germany sponsored by the US Mission in Geneva and the Embassy in Berlin and the other for U Game U Learn – were highlights for me on many levels. Not only did I meet library folk from all over but the […]
2008 “Hyperlinked Library” Speaking Tour of Australia – Gift from CAVAL – Finally framed!, originally uploaded by mstephens7. Thanks to everyone who made my 2008 trip to Australia so magical! More here: https://tametheweb.com/category/ttw-down-under/
http://www.suntimes.com/news/cityhall/2835576,CST-NWS-redbox26.article ”It would be bestsellers, DVDs and popular items, just like our popular library. You’d put your library card in, select an item, it comes out and you’d return it back to the same place or to any one of our libraries,” Dempsey said. ”Some of these vending machines store up to a hundred items. Some of them store more than that. . . . This is just another way to get materials into the hands of the public. It’s a new product, and we’re talking with our colleagues in other cities to see how it’s working for them. We’re […]
Preparing for class lecture in LIS768 Participatory Service & Emerging Technologies as well as the workshop at Internet Librarian International, I overhauled and updated most of my GIANT presentation centered around my model of “The Hyperlinked Library.” As usual, the slides contain citations, Flickr links and is full CC licensed. I already have updates and changes but I thought I would release this version. The original was first presented in Australia in 2008. Download the 303MB file here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/239835/HyperlinkedLibFall2010Update.pdf The Hyperlinked Library by Michael Stephens is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at […]