Categories Library Organizations

91 posts

Posts about library organizations (ALA, ASIS&T, etc.)

New Forums Launches Online Community New discussion forums now open, the largest free library career portal on the Internet, is pleased to announce the launch of its new online community for librarians. Devoted entirely to career development and job hunting, these forums provide a space for librarians, LIS students, library workers, and information professionals to discuss professional development issues: “I’m excited to be able to offer this space for collaboration and discussion,” says Rachel Singer Gordon, webmaster, “As librarians, we know that we work and learn best in community — I look forward to watching the forums grow.” […]

I am Thankful for LISNews

I’m thankful for many things: family, home, my work, and my online life. I’m also thankful for LISNews and the hosting services that Blake Carver provides. He puts up with the mountains of spam comments TTW gets as well as all my strange requests. If you are thankful for the sites and services Blake provides also, head on over to: to make a donation of any size to the efforts of the LISNews folks! Thanks to all who’ve made this year so incredble online. It’s been a heartbreaking and wonderful year and the support I’ve received from my friends […]

Enhancing Our Knowledge

From the ALA Code of Ethics: We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests. We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining and enhancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the professional development of co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations of potential members of the profession. We discussed the Code of Ethics last night. How might we update them 12 years after they were last approved? Another reason, in my book, that professions should not […]

Congrats Amy! An announcement from Connie Paul, Executive Director, Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative: Amy Kearns, will begin as (CJRLC)Program Coordinator on July 30, 2007! Currently the head of reference for the Paterson PL, Amy is a blogger, a trainer, a techie, and a library enthusiast. She has been very active in the Highlands RLC… She is eager to get to know our members (she knows many of you already), and we are delighted to welcome her. Rock On Amy!

Start a Revolution

OCLC Blog Salon Originally uploaded by cindiann If anything, ALA 2007 was flickr’d, twitter’ed and blogged from any and every angle. I was lucky to meet some folks whose work inspires me, including Cindi, who I blogged about here, and many others. Also, I appreciate the message of Cindi’s shirt. Can you feel something coming from the discussions, online conversations and conference chatter? I can.

The Death of Ideas

PAR-TIC-I-PA-TION, or 37 pieces of library flair (also a 365days shot) Originally uploaded by cindiann Read this: I am a “next generation” librarian, librarian 2.0 (1.5!), “young librarian,” whatever you want to call me, and I recently made the choice to get involved in ALA. I am currently attending the annual conference and having to make hard choices about what programming to attend and what to research later. Rather than continuing to believe that it’s hard to get involved, I chose to show up and agitate–ask people how to get onto committees, talk to those around me who are […]