Delfts Kamerorkest, originally uploaded by DOK Delft. Just a lovely picture from DOK’s photostream. I’ve had two visits to this incredible library space this week.
Categories Library Spaces
Via John Schumacher on Twitter comers this opinion piece from Oregon Live: Ellen Hansen writes about her love of quiet and the lack of it in her library: (emphasis is mine) No, my full wrath is reserved for library-quiet abusers. When did the library turn into the local coffee shop? One man comes into our library and sets up as if it’s his own, private office space. That’s fine, if you’re reading, writing or even typing on your computer nonstop. But his work entails talking on the phone nonstop, for hours on end. Others conduct education tutorials or hours-long […]
library signage, originally uploaded by pelicanwind.
Boo – the new adult books are still under glass, originally uploaded by The Shifted Librarian.
Don’t miss: I walk into too many libraries with signs like this: What might happen if we replaced our welcome signs with ones like these? Where would kids learn best? OK, let me have it.
DSCF4142, originally uploaded by Travelin’ Librarian.
Unpacking My First Book, originally uploaded by nengard.
WML Book Drop, originally uploaded by vacekrae.
signage, originally uploaded by cindiann.
Shifting Blame, originally uploaded by JenWaller.