Congrats to TTW Contributor Kyle Jones! Kyle writes: I’m very excited to announce that starting in January of 2010 I will be joining the award winning staff at Darien Library in Darien, CT as a Knowledge and Learning Services Librarian. To say that it is honor to be afforded this opportunity at this time in my career is a bit of an understatement. I look forward to getting to know the community of Darien. I just spent a full day with the folks at Darien Library, touring the new building, chatting with staff and learning all I could about […]
Categories News & Life Updates
Elsie Martinez, Meg Edwards, Elizabeth Nelson, Marcie Shaffer, Lauren Offerman-Vice, and I were given the opportunity to consider and write a vision statement during Synergy 2009: The Illinois Library Leadership Initiative. The group consisted of special, academic, and public (adult and youth) librarians from all over the state of Illinois. After much thought, writing, discussion and debate we arrived at a vision statement we were pleased with. Please take a few minutes to view the video we designed to present the Vision Statement. Synergy Vision 2009 from Mick Jacobsen on Vimeo. TTW Contributor: Mick Jacobsen
Fall 2009 Newsletter Cover, originally uploaded by Alachua County Library. Great!
I’m on my way to Richmond, Virginia today for a session tomorrow with an assembly of library directors. Topics: transparency, trends and tech. If you are attending, please say hi.
If you’ve been following along you might remember seeing a post just like this only a few months ago. Yes, it’s moving time again. Tame The Web has moved to the newest LISHost server! If you spot ANY problems, be sure to leave a comment below.
I had a great time with the folks at IFLA and attending via the Web conferencing system. Thanks for a great round of questions.
John accepts his award, originally uploaded by louise.berry. John Blyberg is the 2009 recipient of the LITA/Brett Butler Entrepreneurship Award for his development of the Social OPAC application suite (, also known as SOPAC (for Social Online Public Access Catalog). SOPAC is a suite of open source software (OSS) tools that brings the power of social computing and Web 2.0 to the library catalog. The current version of SOPAC (2.0) was developed and implemented by Blyberg at the Darien Library in Connecticut. SOPAC has also successfully been implemented on top of Innovative’s Millennium and the Sirsi ILS at other libraries. […]
Below is the text of our survey invitation for CAVAL. I wanted to share it here as well. If you are in Australia and would like to take the survey, please see this URL: I’m excited to see the project moving along. I also can’t believe how soon we’ll be leaving for five weeks Down Under – just three short months. I’m also excited that we’ve already gotten confirmation that we’ll be presenting preliminary results at the 2010 Public Library Association meeting in Portland! Dear Australian library colleagues, You may have seen the announcement earlier this year where I […]
I won the 21st Century Award, originally uploaded by JenWaller. Congrats to Jennifer Waller – who won the University of Washington iSchool 21st Century Award this weekend! She posted the text of Cadi Russell’s announcement of the award: “Good evening. My name is Cadi Russell-Sauve. I am honored to be here presenting the 21st Century Award on behalf of Masters of Library and Information Science student body. Each year ALISS, the Association of Library and Information Science Students, presents this award to a graduating student who best embodies the future of our profession. MLIS students nominate graduating classmates who demonstrate […] Many academic and public libraries in the United States have been embracing the use of Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools to enhance services to library patrons as well as promote/market library events to new audiences. Libraries have been implementing a wide variety of these tools but many are concentrating their efforts on the use of blogs, open source content management systems such as Joomla and Drupal, social networks such as MySpace and Facebook, and many are also using Instant Messaging chat services such as Meebo to answer reference questions. According to Wikipedia, “Social media are primarily Internet-based tools […]