Categories News & Life Updates

422 posts

Timely content– news about developments in the library world, updates on Michael’s life, etc.

Congrats to Dr. Margaret Lincoln! Ten winners of the inaugural Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award were recognized at a ceremony hosted by the New York Times December 9. The award, administered by the ALA’s Public Information Office and the Campaign for America’s Libraries, recognizes public, school, and college librarians for service to their communities, schools, and campuses. Among the ten is my dear colleague and fellow UNT doctoral graduate: Margaret “Gigi” Lincoln, Library Media Specialist, Lakeview High School, Battle Creek, Michigan Checkout the video! A big congrats to Gigi! (Via ALAFocus which highlighted Gigi’s picture in the mailing – very […]

Off to London!

Sunday evening walk, originally uploaded by Michael Casey. Michael Casey snapped this lovely photo today in London. I’m at O’Hare right now waiting for my flight. If you are attending Internet Librarian International 2008, please be sure to say HI!

Student Project Article to be Published!

“Talking, looking, flying, searching: information seeking behavior in Second Life” by Margaret Ostrander, MLIS, has been accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed, academic journal Library Hi Tech. The article is based on original research Margaret completed to investigate how users seek information in virtual worlds. Margaret’s work will appear as the lead article in the “Best Young Professionals” themed issue in December 2008 (vol:26 iss:4). Margaret completed this research as part of a self-designed independent study under the direction of Dr. Michael Stephens at Dominican University while a student on the College of St. Catherine campus. WooHoo! Congrats Margaret!

Casual Conversation Rescheduled (1pm CST!)

A Casual Conversation with Michael Stephens (OPAL) When:   Friday, September 19, 2008 (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST) Where:   Opal Auditorium (Web conference)  RPLS Training Room (Web conference) Cost:   Free The Casual Conversations series is designed to be up-close and personal from a respectable online distance. While there are many conferences (in-person, online, and in-world) where librarians can hear leaders in the field make formal presentations about interesting projects, there are few opportunities to hear these same leaders discuss informally what they currently are working on, their future plans and goals, the challenges and opportunities facing librarianship, their […]