Categories News & Life Updates

422 posts

Timely content– news about developments in the library world, updates on Michael’s life, etc.

Mac Central

Mac Central, originally uploaded by Betchaboy. Judy O’Connell & Will Richardson at a workshop in Australia. Read this: Tells a story doesn’t it…bloggers, innovators, champions of change, creators of 21st century learning. Using a MAC of course!


SOLINET Annual Membership Meeting, Atlanta, GA, originally uploaded by mstephens7. I really enjoyed opening the 2008 SOLINET Annual Membership Meeting. The crowd was lively and fun. Download the slides from my keynote here, it’s a customized hybrid of THL. The reception last night rocked as well. I got to mix and mingle with library folk from all over the Southwest. Today, I’m looking forward to Karen Schneider’s closing keynote.

Dominican Graduate Schools Commencement May 2008

Dominican Graduate Schools Commencement May 2008, originally uploaded by mstephens7. Congratulations to all of the Dominican GSLIS graduates! Leah kindly posed with me at the after party. I had a bit of a moment, realizing that she was in my very first LIS701 class the semester I started teaching full time in Fall 2006. Fresh from her undergrad, she jumped right into our program, was featured in the “If You’re not Gaming, You’re Losing” video and she just got a job! Again: Congrats to Leah and all of our GSLIS students. Go forth!

DOH! Happy Blog-versary TTW

Too much on this professor’s plate folks. I missed marking the five year anniversary of this blog on April 1st 2008. What an incredible time it’s been! These past 12 months were something and I’m so glad I’ve had the community we’ve built for support and inspiration.  Last year at this time, I did remember and actually blogged about blogging at ALA TechSource too. Remember the Points of Unity?  I’ll thank Blake for keeping TTW healthy and online. I’ll thank Kyle and Lee for contributing their time and viewpoints. And I’ll thank YOU –  for reading, responding and for sending […]

SJCPL News: Library cuts summer hours to reduce expenses

Margaret Fosmoe writes at the South Bend Tribune: (Link will expire very soon) The county library plans to cut service hours, purchases and staff by 12 percent this year and 12 percent in 2009. Staff will be reduced through attrition and not layoffs, Napoli said. The summer Saturday closings will help achieve the goal of fewer service hours, thus reducing salaries and utilities, he said. Very similar to what ACPL has planned. I feel bad for Indiana libraries. Didn’t the folks in charge down in Indy realize how the prperty tax reform would mess with library budgets? Do they care? Library […]

Thanks to the St. Kate’s LIS7680 Folks

LIS768 Today, originally uploaded by mstephens7. As the semester ends, a big shout out to my class up north – the folks who joined me for three weekends in St. Paul to explore Library 2.0, to ponder the writings of Michael Buckland, Howard Rheingold, Jess Shera and many, many Bibliobloggers/librarian authors, and consider how libraries are evolving. Also a note to the authors of our textbook Michael Casey and Laura Savastinuk: The book was well-received and quoted often in the papers and projects. In fact, I just heard Library 2.0: A Guide to Participatory Service is into its second printing […]

Ahhhh Sweet Summer….

I just updated my Upcoming Presentations Page and I’m happy to say I’ve purposefully kept the summer clear of talks and travel. Since June 2004 when I started the doctoral program at UNT, I’ve been going non-stop. I am not teaching this summer as well. I have big plans: time at the lake, a mountain of books to devour, a hammock, and a chance to reconnect with family and friends. I’ll see many folks at ALA for sure..and may pick up a couple of talks, but I am ready for a needed break. Just three more weeks of grading…grading…grading.