Photo By Mike Pullin, University of North Texas SLIS Photoset at Flickr
Categories News & Life Updates
Greetings from San Antonio & the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)Conference! We gathered last night at the Omni Hotel. Today we are prepping our posters, which were printed for us at UNT, having a group lunch, and finding our way around this conference. We set up posters at 5:30pm and the Works in Progress Session and Reception starts at 6pm. I have my poster, cards, handout, and a bibliography for interested folks.
I sent this off to UNT a few weeks ago and it was printed in its 20X30 full size. On Monday in San Antonio, we will tack the posters to foamcore and stand by them for an hour and discuss our research with interested folks. I have a handout and business cards as well. I’ll wrte about after the session. This is totally new territory for me!
Such great blog reading this last few days as 2005 rolled into 2006. 2005 was an incredible year professionally, acdemically and personally. Thanks to all I worked with, presented with and just plain got to sit and talk with! I am looking forward to 2006: the end of my PhD coursework, starting my dissertation, more blogging here and for ALA Techsource, publishing the Library Technology Report I’m working on and a few presentations here and there. Here are some nice wrap ups I came across in my aggregator: David Warlick on year end reflections. Steve Lawson on 2005 and technologies, […]
Welcome to 2006! Here’s to a great year for libraries, librarians and the profession!
Great stuff from John at LISNews: How many of these touched your life? Did you contribute to a wiki? Donate time or money to Katrina relief? Get irked at Gorman’s “mouthing off?” What awaits us in 2006?
What does it mean when two influential and well-spoken Library futurists incorporate the same cartoon in their presentations about libraries and librarians? I think it means we need to look at how we make decisions and the plans we put in place. Click to see it: Image from The New Yorker by Rox Chast Both Stephen Abram, at CPL Scholars in Residence, and Geroge Needham, at the Gaming Symposium, used this cartoon in their talks. It resonates with me because I believe it’s true: do we worry too much about our services and plans that things take FOREVER to get […]
I’ll be at the Gaming Learning & Libraries Symposium this week. If you’re attending say hi and don’t miss the meet up Jenny has organized.
Thanks to all who took my LIS Bloggers survey. I collected roughly 250 responses from Bibliobloggers from all over the world. So far, the results are very interesting! The questions about why we blog, community and the use of social tools yielded some intriguing data. Watch for more here as I mess with it. One thing that rattled me at first and then seemed so incredibly right, was Steve Lawson’s post about my survey, where he copied his answers out of the survey and into a blog post. Pondering with Dr. O’Connor down at UNT over a great cup of […]
Michael speaking to 6000 class Originally uploaded by pelicanwind.