I am teaching again next semester at Dominican! WooHoo! It will be over three weekends in February, March and April. Here’s the class description: LIS 753 INTERNET FUNDAMENTALS AND DESIGN An introduction to the fundamentals of the Internet, including its origins, evolution, architecture, current issues, and future. Students will gain a basic understanding about Web content languages, Web site management, and design/usability principles. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of telecommunications and networking with examples drawn from the Internet. Critical Internet issues such as search engine limitations, security, privacy, copyright, governance, and other related topics will also be […]
Categories News & Life Updates
Hi, while I’m moving some things around here there may be some changes. If you’re looking for my old home page, it’s here for now.
Greetings! I am off to Texas tomorrow at 6am for a whirlwind stay. I’m presenting in Dr. O’Connor’s SLIS 6000 class tomorrow night and chit chatting with some faculty about my research. I’ll be writing again in a few days!
Congrats to my cohort colleague Mary Jo Venetis! She and dr. Maurice whheler have published “Evaluation of Web access to historical sheet music collections and music?related iconography” online! http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue10_10/wheeler/index.html
I’m working a lot this week as well as getting ready for three weeks of conferences. TTW posts will be a tad slower. More in a bit…
I’m at Dominican University this weekend for the first sessions of my class. We meet from 9am-5pm today and tomorrow. I’m nervous, excited and tickled at how stressfree the morning has been so far: up at 4am, on road at 6am…in Chicago by 7:45am… in the classroom..the technology works…the students are arriving… here we go…
I’m off to meet up with Jessamyn in Bloomington and get to Indy for tomorrow’s prgram.
I’m weak! Weak I tell you! In the last few days I’ve lusted for some HOT new tech items: an iPod nano, the iTunes phone, a new Powerbook (hopefully announced in a couple of weeks)… what to do?? What I would tell a library or a workshop filled with tech-planning librarians is to give it some time, read some reviews and talk to some early adopters. Find out what their experience has been, etc. What are folks saying about the nano or the phone? Look at the big picture of what needs and services such tech might improve or replace… […]
Some folk may be wondering where I’m at with school. One reason, beyond stealing some unplugged moments, that there have not been many TTW posts in August is that I was busy completeing the summer semester and continuing work on my preliminary research. With the completion of the Summer Session I have 4 semesters under my belt! These last two semesters of coursework will involve individual study, preparation of a poster hopefully selected for the 2006 ALISE meeting, and the launch of a web survey I’ve been working on looking at – gasp – librarians who blog! (What? Another survey, […]