Categories News & Life Updates

422 posts

Timely content– news about developments in the library world, updates on Michael’s life, etc.

Future Minded (Updated)

Taking a break after teaching a Tech Planning workshop at CIL, Aaron Schmidt catches up on some Texting. Congrats to my chum Aaron Schmidt on his inclusion in the 2005 Library Journal Movers & Shakers lineup as a Reference Visionary. Aaron gets it: “Schmidt wants to help librarians understand the environment within which libraries must compete, including the commercial web. If we understand what our users get from those realms, and apply those lessons, libraries will have a future.” And now I’m pondering Aaron and realizing he exemplifies the future librarians who will be running the show in 30 years! […]

See you at PLA Symposium! I’m off tomorrow morning for three days in Chicago with some SJCPL colleagues. I’m attending 4 3-hour sessions, including 2 presented by Stephen Abram!! Look for some posts as time and connection permit.

Internet Librarian International

The Call for Proposals is up at The 7th annual Internet Librarian International ? the only conference for information professionals and librarians who are using, developing, and implementing internet, intranet, and web-based strategies in their daily work as information navigators, webmasters, web managers, content evaluators, internet strategists, portal creators, product developers, searchers, library managers, and educators ? will be held Monday and Tuesday, 10-11 October, at a new venue for 2005 ? London’s Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington. Internet Librarian International provides a stimulating forum for inquiring delegates and experienced speakers to explore the exciting range of issues and […]

Shifting Worlds Call for Speakers

Please note I am still looking for proposals for the Public Libraries and Technology Track at IL 2005! Internet Librarian 2005: Shifting Worlds Monterey, CA October 24-6, 2005?? ***note the new dates! Call for Speakers It has been 10 years since the last major technological sea change when the Web rocked our world.? Not just the information world, but also those worlds at the very roots of our lives? the places and spaces where we work, learn and play.? All indications point to very dramatic and dynamic changes in the coming year.? Consider the recent announcements by Google that […]

Call for Speakers: Implementing Top Tech Trends for Public Libraries

I am organizing a track for Internet Librarian 2005, October 24-26, dedicated to implementing some of the top technology trends in public libraries. My emphasis: practical applications and useful ideas that attendees can take home and USE in their small or medium-sized public libraries (or boost what some of the BIG libraries are doing). Are you a public librarian and implementing RFID? WiFi? A PL Blog with RSS? A Tech Training program that ROCKS? Let me know — Comment here! Shoot me an e-mail (mstephens7 (at) or comment here and we’ll talk. The Submissions page is here. FEEL FREE […]