Our little library gets some local press: http://www.theticker.tc/story/build-your-own-neighborhood-library By Samantha Tengelitsch Spider Lake Little Free Library under construction Little Free Libraries – mini fridge-sized neighborhood book “houses” neighbors borrow books from and donate books to – are sprouting up around the nation. This summer, the Traverse Area District Library jumped in on the trend, launching and funding the first Little Free Library of its own in the Kids Creek neighborhood. “Kids Creek was completely enthused by it,” says TADL marketing and communications manager Kristen Talaga. “They have a really supportive community.” Neighborhood resident Becky Mang volunteered to act as steward for […]
Categories News & Life Updates
http://www.lib.uts.edu.au/news/20071/congratulations-to-new-university-librarian UTS Library is pleased to introduce the newly appointed University Librarian, Mal Booth. Mal joined UTS in 2009 and has led significant changes in the way the Library organises and delivers the information and services it oversees. Amongst many initiatives he has been instrumental in introducing Radio Frequency Identity (RFID) tagging to the entire print collection, ensuring the Library is in a strong position to make best use of the new Library Retrieval System (that is currently underway) and for which he has led the design process. Before joining UTS, Mal was the Head of the Research Centre at the […]
Julia Bergmann writes: There is a new award for librarians and other knowledge-workers in German-speaking Europe. It’s called “Zukunftsgestalter in Bibliotheken” (“Pathbreakers in Library Science”), is sponsored by the German publishing house De Gruyter and is awarded in cooperation with the Journal “Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis” (BFP) as well as the Foundation “Zukunftswerkstatt Kultur- und Wissensvermittlung e.V.” The idea for this award roots in the observation that the current discussions of new developments concerning the library world, such as library 2.0, open innovation in libraries or the new role of gaming etc. is mostly academic, while the practitioners out there, […]
http://www.edtechmagazine.com/higher/article/2012/05/deans-list-50-must-read-higher-education-technology-blogs Thanks EdTech and thanks to the fine folks that write with me here at TTW.
Great news! In partnership with the Zukunftwerkstatt, TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke will be speaking at the 2012 Bibliothekartag! http://justinthelibrarian.com/2012/05/01/bibliothekartag-in-hamburg-germany-may-20-25-2012/ You can find more information about the conference here:http://www.bibliothekartag2012.de/ I will be in Hamburg from May 21th to the 25th to attend and present at the conference. During my time there, I will be presenting on the following topics: Help unveil the German/American Gaming Library/Museum/Archive League, which was developed in collaboration with Eli Neiburger and Christoph Deeg. Present on the topic of gaming in libraries and share my experiences with implementing video game programs and collections with German librarians. Participate in a workshop for librarians on how […]
I wanted to share with you a little bit about what I will be doing Monday & Tuesday of this week. I was awarded the grant by SJSU to begin studying the impact of Learning 2.0 in US libraries. We’re starting with a pilot project as outlined in the grant proposal: Three public libraries in the Chicago metropolitan area will partner in this study. All three libraries have offered Learning 2.0 programs within the last five years, and all three library directors have agreed to participate in this study. The libraries include Mount Prospect Public Library, a mid-size public library where […]
The Young Writers and Leaders film is part of a Telling Room program, Sonya Tomlinson, David Meiklejohn, and 15 Portland, Maine area teens (all of whom use my teen library everyday!). Simply stated, the film tells the stories of the teens and their involvement in the Telling Room program and their lives in Portland, ME. Their goal is to take their film and the fifteen teen participants on a trip to Boston and spend the day in the city visiting a sister writing center, pairing up with Boston-area young writers, and holding a screening of the film in a film house […]
I missed it by two days, but I wanted to acknowledge that TTW turned 9 on Sunday. Here’s the first post – back in the OLD TTW archives in iBlog format (remember that?) I want to send a big shout out and thank you to everyone who has read the blog, commented and participated here at TTW in various ways. I appreciate it. I also greatly appreciate the wonderful contributors who have signed on to write for TTW as my time for blogging has decreased over the years. I grabbed my contribution to the Passion Quilt meme as an image […]
http://news.wustl.edu/news/Pages/23471.aspx Jeffrey G. Trzeciak, university librarian at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, has been named university librarian at Washington University in St. Louis, effective July 1, 2012, announced Provost Edward S. Macias, PhD, executive vice chancellor and the Barbara and David Thomas Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences. Trzeciak replaces Shirley K. Baker, vice chancellor for scholarly resources and dean of University Libraries, who will retire after 23 years of service to WUSTL on June 30. “Libraries are critically important to Washington University’s mission in supporting our strong programs of teaching and scholarship.” Macias says. “Library materials and the […]
Please, TTW Readers, follow this link and sign the petition: https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/!/petition/ensure-every-child-america-has-access-effective-school-library-program/tmlbRqfF?utm_source=wh.gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl Every child in America deserves access to an effective school library program. We ask that the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provide dedicated funding to help support effective school library programs. Such action will ensure more students have access to the resources and tools that constitute a 21st century learning environment. Reductions in school library programs are creating an ‘access gap’ between schools in wealthier communities versus those where there are high levels of poverty. All students should have an equal opportunity to acquire the […]