Categories News & Life Updates

422 posts

Timely content– news about developments in the library world, updates on Michael’s life, etc.

Congrats to Luis Herrera, LJ’s 2012 Librarian of the Year “I have a great team. My mentors all said, ‘Surround yourself with good people,’ and I did,” says Herrera. Such humility and kindness is key to Herrera’s success in San Francisco and to winning this award. In short, he got voters to extend SFPL support for 15 years. He employed his participatory management style to create a rare alliance between management and union. He invoked an ability to build strong and effective partnerships with other city departments, while his unusual brand of courage let staff teams make major management and organizational changes and decisions. Herrera is LJ’s 2012 Librarian of […]

Web 2.0 & Libraries Parts 1 & 2 Available Free on Hyperlinked Library Site

I am happy to announce the full text of both of my ALA Library Technology Reports are available now at the new TTW companion site The Hyperlinked Library. The rest of the site is currently under construction, but for now you’ll find: Web 2.0 & Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software (2006) – Web 2.0 & Libraries: Trends & Technologies (2007) – Special thanks to my SJSU SLIS grad assistant Patrick Siebold who worked very hard the past few weeks inputting the content. I know the examples from ’06 and ’07 may seem out of date and quaint in some […]

New CEO for Queensland State Library

Note from Michael: I worked with Janette on the CAVAL Visiting Scholar Project. We had a wonderful afternoon visiting the good folks at the Yarra Plenty Library while I was in Melbourne. Congrats Janette! Famous for being a place to expand your mind and change your life, State Library of Queensland will welcome its new CEO and State Librarian in February 2012. State Library has built a reputation for successfully re-imagining libraries for the 21st century, and new CEO Ms Janette Wright will build on this tradition. Announcing her appointment, Library Board of Queensland Chairman Professor Roly Sussex said Ms […]

The New Normal Needs You

Greetings from London and Internet Librarian International! Don’t miss this conference theme-related article by Ulla De Stricker at Info Today Europe:—to-tell-it-like-it-is-78092.aspx Fragmented, opaque, multidimensional, fast-changing … however we view the profession we chose, we share the need to assess constantly how our professional contributions match the evolving needs of employers in light of their new tools – and translate that assessment into language they understand: Because society is brimming with new technologies and new ways of communicating, our unique capabilities and skills, and the results we can produce, are ‘lost in the din’ more and more frequently. Because the workplaces of today are […]

Tomorrow is Follow a Library Day!   Just like last year there will be a #followalibrary day on October First :-). This year we added a subject: #myfavoritebook. Libraries give access to many great books that people love to read and we want to know what your favorite one is. What do I have to do on October first?  Make a tweet about your favorite book and add the hashtag #followalibrary. For instance: Share your greatest book inspirations with the rest of the world on October 1st 2011 on Twitter 

Please Welcome Our New TTW Contributors

I have long agreed with Jessamyn West’s take that we should use “our online powers for good.” One way I try to do this is by highlighting unique, original and not often heard voices here at TTW. I realized I hadn’t announced two new members to the TTW family of contributors: Ben Lainhart & Carrie Straka. Please welcome them and watch for their future posts. Here are their bios: –Ben Lainhart Professional Interests: Ben recently graduated with an MLIS from Drexel University’s iSchool where he spent a lot of time thinking about social media and digital libraries and how they […]