Categories Presentations

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To share slides/videos/etc from past presentations (Michael’s and other people’s)

Tame the North

Stephensshirt Originally uploaded by mbsam. They suprised me with SHIRTS! We’ll be giving away shirts and copies of OCLC’s Perceptions report at all 5 stops!! Mary Beth made the shirt design and it rocks! I nearly fell off my chair! On the back, like a concert shirt, it lists the dates and cities of the “tour!” Thanks Minnesota librarians!

Greetings from Minnesota!

Tonight I had dinner with some librarians (and their spouses) from SELCO. Barbara, the Multytype Librarian, Mary Beth, the Newlyminted Librarian, Aurora, SuperTurbo, Ann, who blogs at the SELCO blog, and I had a great conversation. Barbara even asked what the tag was going to be for the week of presentations. We agreed it would be TTWMN! Tomorrow, I present, and then Mary Beth & I take off for our next stop. More tomorrow!