Check out this article. Shouldn’t libraries be included in this equation? Every Company Should Use Social Media | Employee Evolution Social media is changing everything. Business Week recently published an article about the power of social media and how companies are beginning to embrace it, because they really don’t have a choice. Not everyone has a blog, or wants to blog, but you would be hard pressed to find many people who aren’t on some type of social network. Now it’s time for corporate America to follow suit and meet their potential customers on their own turf, or risk […]
Categories Social Media
Fred Stutzman writes: For the past two semesters, I’ve taught a course on Online Social Networks at UNC’s School of Information and Library Science. It has been a great experience, and I’ve had an incredible bunch of students. This course has also been an experiment, both in subject matter and instructional technologies. Using Facebook,,YouTube and a wiki, we created courseware from Web 2.0 tools. Now that the course is over, I’ve had some time to reflect on the challenges, pros and cons of integrating these types of tools into instruction. Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process (download […] Walker’s latest venture seems a mixture of those two. It’s an online forum called, and it allows residents of a neighborhood to complain about the noise, dogs, midnight habits or lawn-mowing antics of the folks next door. Launched last summer, the site was first based entirely out of Walker’s UTC apartment until a portion was purchased by Attenunit, a venture capital firm, and most of the work moved to Austin, Texas. From the site: Rotten Neighbor is the first real estate search engine of its kind allowing you to rate and review good and bad neighbors before and after […]
Nice article from USA Today: Flickr was created in 2003 by Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake, initially as a video game site. It was purchased by Yahoo in 2005, when it had 400,000 registered members. Today, Flickr has 26 million members. Free accounts are limited to uploads of 100 megabytes monthly, or about 50 photos. “Pro” members get unlimited uploads. Yahoo won’t say how many paid members Flickr has. Hitwise says the site’s market share among online photo sites leaped to 11.7% in March, from 4.5% the year before, after Yahoo added Flickr images to its search index. “Yahoo […]
Arlington Heights Memorial Library rolls out “A Baker’s Dozen” – a 13 part, 13 month learning program for library users. It’s nice to see Helene Blowers ultra-successful model adapted for patrons. I’ll be watching this one closely. You may have seen the phrase “social networking,” along with mention of sites such as MySpace and FaceBook. Do you watch or even upload videos to YouTube? Do you read blogs and subscribe to RSS feeds? Maybe you’ve added some photos to Flickr. All of the aforementioned sites are part of the Web 2.0 craze. Please join AHML for the next year and 1 month for a Baker’s Dozen; each month this series will highlight a Web 2.0 topic and tool as well as feature a brief […] A Republican congressman who has sponsored legislation banning access to social-networking Web sites in schools and libraries has found a new target of displeasure: Second Life. Rep. Mark Kirk, who is seeking re-election this year, staged a press conference at a library in his suburban Chicago district on Tuesday to highlight what he called the “dangers” of the virtual world to children. Flanked by local officials, he also released a letter asking Federal Trade Commission Chairman William E. Kovacic to “take action to warn parents of the similar dangers and sexually explicit content found on Second Life.” Kirk said he was appalled that Second […]
Karen M. Burns, Administrator of the Southwest Iowa Library Service Area, writes: We did a National Library Week project this year–on the Wednesday of NLW we invited libraries in central, southwest and southeast Iowa to take photos of what was happening at the library that day, and upload up to 10 of them to a group on flickr. I thought you might enjoy taking a look, they’re at: We set up an FAQ page before hand, ( and did some “training” sessions in the Wimba online classroom. The Meebo Me widget on the FAQ page was used more often than […] | The best experiences you’ll ever have are the ones where you’re completely aware, if only for a moment. Look up. Look around. Look within. Be aware of it all. Last night I talked about the passion quilt as part of our final class in LIS701. I told them about the meme and what I wanted for them as students to bring into the profession. It will be very nice to use these sentiments again in future classes. Also, don’t miss the pool at Flickr: Created by Steve “Do it now” Lawson
Luria Library Twitters, originally uploaded by mstephens7. Another nice example of one of the best uses for Twitter in the library setting – alerts. Tweets by LuriaLibrary