Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

641 posts

Articles about Web 2.0 and/or Library 2.0 concepts

A stream of digital consciousness

A stream of digital consciousness, originally uploaded by Paul Hagon. My research co-investigator Warren Cheetham shares a link to this photo by Paul Hagon and writes: “Another photo (also by Paul Hagon) from that same conference presentation by Mal, has a line that I try to always keep in mind when planning and thinking about digital library services – “Don’t try to replicate analogue processes””

International Librarianship

My co-investigator fro the CAVAL Visiting Scholar Project, Warren Cheetham, shared this quote with me. It resonates with me as I reflect on working with librarians around the world. “If you get engaged in international library work, your personal life will be transformed every time you encounter and embrace a foreign culture; your personal boundaries will be expanded. International collaboration is needed if we want to make this world a more livable place.” Jesus Lau, President, Mexican Library Association We just submitted a draft of an article based on the academic library data from our surveys and focus groups last […]

Crave Libraries

Another cool initiative I became aware of at Annual is the Crave Libraries project. Skokie PL’s Toby Greenwalt appeared to give me these two buttons. What a wonderful promotion and way of thinking! Find out more here: But know that the project is just starting. Toby writes: I’m also going to be drumming up interest in Crave Libraries, a new semi-secret project I’m brewing up with Daniel Nguyen. (A debt of gratitude is also owed to Jason Kucsma, who coined the phrase and has graciously allowed us to run with it. Jason, look me up at ALA, as I […]