Texas Library Association 2007 Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Congrats on a great workshop! http://wanderingeyre.com/2007/04/11/learning-about-l2/ http://wanderingeyre.com/2007/04/12/everyone-is-at-the-riverwalk/
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
Woohoo! http://www.wired.com/culture/education/news/2007/03/learning2_0 Public Library Geeks Take Web 2.0 to the Stacks When the IT director at North Carolina’s Charlotte & Mecklenburg County public library began training staff in the latest web technologies, she lured reluctant participants with bribes — a free MP3 player and the chance to win a laptop. Six months later, the program they developed is the real prize. Learning 2.0, developed by public services technology director Helene Blowers, has become a surprise grassroots hit, available for free on the web and adopted by dozens of other libraries around the globe. Read the whole article!
How to use Web 2.0 in your library Originally uploaded by Philipbradley. Phil Bradley announces his new book! Phil edited my training book a few years ago for its British release. I look forward to this one. The Web 2.0 and social software explosion has the capability to transform the online profile of libraries and help reach out to tech-savvy young users to whom the library may otherwise be invisible. Libraries can now easily collaborate and create online communities, as well as explore new ways in which to communicate with, educate and attract new users – and also to market […]
http://babyboomerlibrarian.blogspot.com/2005/11/academic-libraries-and-library-20.html From Bill Drew comes an update to a post he wrote in November 2005. Bill created the Library 2.0 ning network and notes: Library 2.0 is not always about replacing more traditional services. It is about extending those services into new areas and starting new ones. It is not change for the sake of change.
Web 2.0 for Librarians and Information Professionals Originally uploaded by ellyssa. Get a load of that cover! Ellyssa notes on the Flickr page – please click through and read the comments — that she pulled the words out of the text of the book. Allow me a HOTTER that HOT! I can’t wait to see it!
I finally had some time to read about the candidates and listen to the podcast from Seattle and I’d like to take just a moment to endorse Jim Rettig for president of the American Library Association. http://rettigforala.org/ A few reasons why: In the Q&A segment of the podcast, biblioblogger Gary McClay asks the presidential candidates “What does Library 2.0 mean to you?” Nancy Davenport answers first and discusses applying Web 2.0 tools to libraries and the association, promoting better communication. Nice answer, but Rettig really grabbed me with his response. Rettig replies (as best I can transcribe): Library 2.0 is […]
Great stuff from Hey Jude: http://heyjude.wordpress.com/2007/02/19/2020-vision-shaping-the-future-through-dialogue/ I wonder if such a Knowledge Commons, shaped by Creativity NOT Productivity would need to encompass the following: Reading materials for pleasure and study Information retrieval and critical analysis support Learning activities & Social activities Academic writing guidance Special education learning support for all ranges Information technology support – technical and design support Multimedia design and production facilities ‘Traditional’ bibliographic services 24/7 Learning support
From a few folks, including one of my students in 753 comes this job at DuPage Library System here in Illinois: Web Services Librarian (Full time) Wanted! A digital native to take the Des Plaines Public Library to Web 2.0 and beyond. Do you blog, IM, or wiki? Must be able to envision how these and other emerging technologies can be used to create excellent patron service. This unique position reports to the library director and bridges all departments to make things happen. Therefore, people skills also a must. Required: MLS and three years professional library experience. Salary range: $45,030-60,888 […]
Join the Conversation Originally uploaded by mstephens7. As a regsitered Starbucks card holder (Venti Awake 4 Splendas and Room, please), I get mass emails from the company promoting their services. This one promotes their book discussion and urges folks to “join the comnversation” at an online social forum called Gather.com. Libraries, do you promote your discussions this way? Do you invite your users to join the conversation? I know some do and they do it well… but if you haven’t offered your users a way to join the conversation, now might be time to ponder it, as Starbucks nips at […]
While Steven Cohen points to Innovative Interfaces Flickr account, Roy Tennant writes an incredible open letter to ILS vendors: http://techessence.info/node/83 Dear ILS Vendor: Like it or not, your world has changed. Libraries now have reasonable ILS options beyond commercial offerings. Not only are there open source applications like Koha and Evergreen, there are outfits like LibLime and Equinox Software lined up to provide support. Libraries would be stupid to not give serious consideration to transitioning to an open source solution and save thousands of dollars while gaining the latest in cutting edge technology at the same time. Please read the […]