Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

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Articles about Web 2.0 and/or Library 2.0 concepts

On ALA 2.0

I’m serving on the ALA Participation Task Force this year. President Leslie Burger established the ALA Participation Task Force “to develop recommendations for expanding member opportunities, especially for the for the next generation of leaders, to participate in their association in meaningful ways,” according to the document Jim Rettig sent this summer. I just heard that Jim is a candidate for vice-president/president-elect and if elected he will serve as VP in 2007-08 and President in 2008-09. Woohoo! Jim asked the group to envision “ALA 2.0” and asked for submissions by today. Jim put his up at his blog: Below […]

A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto

I hope Laura Cohen doesn’t mind me quoting so much of this. Go, read the whole thing, print it and share it with your staff. A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto I will recognize that the universe of information culture is changing fast and that libraries need to respond positively to these changes to provide resources and services that users need and want. I will educate myself about the information culture of my users and look for ways to incorporate what I learn into library services. I will not be defensive about my library, but will look clearly at its situation […]

So Let’s Talk About Tagging

Run, don’t walk to: June Abbas and I had a wonderful, engaging and interactive poster session in which we pulled folks in to have discussions with us (pro and con) about the new phenomenon of “tagging”. We believe it was highly successful and fun – well, we had visitors for 2 hours after the session officially ended, so I hope that says something. Is tagging useful? Is it here to stay or a fad? Why are end-users motivated to tag, or not? How can we ascertain a person’s context or intent behind using particular terms? For instance one participant […]

SLJ Summit Podcast: Panelists Discuss SL2

At the end of the day Friday, David Warlick recorded a podcast discussion with the panelists. Take a listen to hear some thoughts about the read/Write School Media Center. I was impressed at how easy and fluid this was” David had a mic for his iPod, we went round robin and each person responded to questions or comments from the other folks. Yet another way to capture idea, thinking and conversations in the thick of a conference or workshop.

Latching on to Access at Panera

Rachel Singer Gordon on Library 2.0: Simply put, think about ways to remove barriers. This can be as simple as rethinking our position on no cell phones, no drinks, and no instant messaging. (And we wonder why people run out the door to latch onto the free wireless access at Panera instead?) Do you still make people sign paper forms to use the Internet? Think about the “no” at your library and how you can turn that into a “yes.”

SLJ Summit: David Warlick on Diane Chen This is a pretty bold person. She’s not going to let any native take over the technology, because she’s a leader, an information leader. She hijacks classrooms when the substitute is there. There are never enough lesson plans, so she is able to cover things that she’s been trying accomplish.

SLJ Summit: David Warlick in the School Library 2.0 Group

(I’m a fanboy!) David’s son at college: still carrying on text conversations. It’s not the machine, it’s the information he’s engaged in. Kids are talking, working toward a goal, collaborating and then they come in our schools and WE CUT THEM OFF. Kids think everything should be clickable. What does a clickable library look like? Showed a video his son made. How did he learn to do that? David didn’t teach him. His teachers didn’t teach him. He taught himself. Kids use an IM language all their own. We didn’t teach them, the collaborated to make it on their […]

SLJ Summit: On Trust, Technologies & 2.0 Thinking

Today, I head downtown to participate in the School Library Journal Leadership Summit. In preparation, participants and speakers have grown a wiki of discussion questions, links and insights. Take a look at the School Library 2.0 page and don’t miss Diane Chen’s incredible lists of SL2 links: I really look forward to hearing her speak. Also, take a look at Jack Alton Strawn’s post about trust: I am looking forward to attending the summit. I have so many questions about Library 2.0. Thank you for the reading list, as it has been very helpful. With question #2 dealing with […]