Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

641 posts

Articles about Web 2.0 and/or Library 2.0 concepts

Library Camp: See You In Ann Arbor

John Blyberg posts: Mark April 14th on your calendars. Superpatron Ed Vielmetti has been quietly assembling a fantastic group of people to attend the first ever Library Camp–an “unconference” which follows open-space guidelines. There is no registration as it operates on the premise that whomever shows up belongs there (though an optional wiki sign-up gives us a good idea of how many/who is coming). I will be there with bells on! I’m fascinated by this type of planning for an unconference.* Who knows how the time will play out but I can’t wait to hear some of the folks […]

AOL Opens AIM to Developers AOL gets it that opening up their IM platform may prove very succesful as social networks grow. Will we see AIM built in to new Web 2.0 sites, services, etc? “It’s a dramatic turnaround for AOL,” said Joe Wilcox, an analyst at Jupiter Research, who called the move shrewd and well timed. AOL is “opening up to other companies, some of whom can create products to compete with AIM,” he added. Communicating by typing messages, making phone calls or video-calls and the ability to see if recipients are online at the same time are seen as integral to successful […]

ALA 2.0 & A Voice in the Association (Updated!)

A week ago Wednesday I spent three hours with the folks at ALA Headquarters. Jenny was under the weather so I went on without her! (Jenny – you were missed at the big conference table!) I presented Jenny’s modules and my modules of the roadshow, with a slant toward “association” thinking and a what could ALA be doing with the some of the social software tools. This was prep for the upcoming online course I wrote about at TechSource. I just received my ALA membership card (yes I’m a card-carrying, conference going member) and on the back of the card […]

Some Web 2.0 Readings/Links via the Social Software Blog points to a nice article in USAToday about flickr at points to this list by category of Web 2.0 sites & services at

Library 2.0 Discussion Up at SirsiDynix

The SirsiDynix discussion The 2.0 Meme – Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0 is now available. I was really blown away by Stephen Abram, Michael Casey and John Blyberg. I was honored to join these fellowings and chat around a virtual rountable about 2.0 discussions. The chat about mash ups and user created content really got me thinking. Abram asked us to give a quick overview of our L2 thinking to start. I made some brief notes to prepare, which included this: The principles of Library 2.0 seeks to break down barriers: barriers librarians have placed on services, barriers of […]

Sixteen Ways for Thinking Web 2.0 Dion Hinchcliffe writes: So, in this vein, I took my own studies of Web 2.0 as well as many raw inputs as I could find and came up with a roughly structured list of how to “think” in terms of Web 2.0 ideas. Let me know what you think and as always add your own in the comments below. Let’s create a really terrific guide for those who are just discovering this fascinating and useful study of the next generation of online software. The list and his points are incredible and can be most useful for guiding libraries into […]

What Alane and Stephen Said!

Great posts about the L2 discussion from two of my all time favorite voices of the biblioblogosphere: Alane writes: Stephen Abram has written a long post, The Library 2.0 ‘Bandwagon’, in which he suggests in what concrete ways Lib2.0 would be different from Lib1.0. If you’re feeling woolly-headed about Lib2.0, read Stephen’s take on it. What he said. “The users are moving into the control position. Libraries are no longer able to drive the good bus ‘library’ alone.” I am pretty sure that when libraries’ systems and services are more transparent and accessible to users, and so may […]