Tags TTW Podcast

2 posts

TTW Podcast #2: Communicating Your Library’s Message

Let’s try again. I did some tweaks on my setup. Tame the Web Podcast 2: Communicating your Library’s Message Contents: Call for Speakers for Public Library Track at IL 2005 Call for Speakers at Internet Librarian International Communicating your Message – 8 Channels (PDF) (Originally developed with Lissa Krull 2003) Please comment… or e-mail…

Welcome to the TTW Test Podcast

I pondered this for two weeks..and decided to give my technology here at the house a whirl to see if I could produce a podcast. http://www.tametheweb.com/podcasts/TTWPodcastTest.mp3 My topics: Call for speakers for Internet Librarian 2005 A look at the tools/skills of the “Up to Date” librarian and a plea to “sieze the day” Please let me know what you think. I’m still deciding if I like the format and how it might work in the LISBlogosphere.. Greg and Karen really inspred me. And it was made entirely on a MAC!