Daily Archives: April 9, 2008

4 posts

Transparency, Planning & Change: See-Through Libraries

I was honored to present yesterday at CIL2008 with Michael Casey. We had not been on the same speaking ticket since 2006 when we helped launch Helene Blower’s Learning 2.0 program at PLCMC. The CIL presentation was in tandem and titled “Transparency, Planning & Change: See-Through Libraries,” created in part from our work on the Library Journal column we co-author. The slides are here. We asked the group to share roadblocks. Thankfully, David Lee King blogged some of the sharing: inability to use open source software we’ve always done it this way control-freak IT support No admin priviledges only making cosmetic […]

Cover Flow and Collection Interaction on Library Websites

It’s my belief that library users are expecting more from their web browsing experience. I’m not talking social networks, I’m talking interactive web design. These users are used to websites that allow for dynamically changing content (content that may not require a new page to load) and for a feeling of interactivity with the page. Dynamic content shifts on the page, animates, and morphs into something it wasn’t previously. Let’s look at some examples: Jeep: The rectangular information boxes nicely animate in and out upon click of the left or right arrows allowing for new information to nicely slide in […]