Daily Archives: July 12, 2008

3 posts

Give this Library the Money – A Director’s Letter to Patrons

Adrian Mixson, Library Director at Hall County Library System weighs in on an article about recent library trends in Governing via the library’s e-link newsletter: http://www.hallcountylibrary.org/elink/elink_jul08.htm Dear Patron, I subscribe to Governing magazine electronically and usually read it shortly after the monthly is released. If you are not familiar with the magazine, it is probably the best publication currently out that addresses the most crucial issues facing state and local government. The June issue featured an article entitled Revolution in the Stacks: to appeal to a new generation some libraries are positioning themselves as places to create content, by Christopher Swope; pshew,  but that […]

Overheard at ALA

I jokingly confess to my audiences that I’m a sometimes eavesdropper at conferences! You learn about the profession and how people feel if you listen closely. The most telling and useful was a snippet I heard in the Skywalk at PLA: “Everytime people really like something, we get rid of it.” Here are just a few from Anaheim: On the Super Shuttle to the hotel, somewhere between stop #6 and stop #10: “Always make time for yourself at the conference too.” On the exhibit floor: “Face it, you suck at Guitar Hero, but the teens won’t care.” At a nearby […]

Talking, Looking, Flying, Searching: A research report on information seeking in Second Life

| View | Upload your own This was the independent study I supervised last spring. I am very impressed with Margaret’s work and found the final presentation in Second Life to be engaging and thought-provoking. Check it out. From her blog: http://librariandreamer.wordpress.com/ My Second Life research project concluded with an end-of-term presentation within Second Life. My advisor, Michael Stephens, and two other avatars showed up to hear my research results and participate in discussion. You can see my final presentation slides here. This blog will continue to exist as a record of this project but I’ll no longer be actively posting […]