Daily Archives: January 14, 2005

2 posts

Open Source Bibliography

One of our assignments this semester is a weekly post about some type of OSS news or thread. Here’s my first one: Please visit: http://www.vuw.ac.nz/staff/brenda_chawner/biblio.html The page description includes: This bibliography has been compiled by Brenda Chawner, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, as part of her Ph.D. studies. It includes announcements, journal articles, and web documents that are about open source software development in libraries. What a wonderful clearinghouse off all things OSS and libraries. I have just started to go through some of them. There are definetly some articles I would like to track […]

Comment from Information Wants to Be Free – Tech Planning

http://meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/index.php/index.php?p=118 There are libraries that are completely adverse to change and to technology, and there are libraries that are so tech-forward that they pass their patrons by. Neither of these approaches is a good idea. Ask your patrons what they want; what they?d like to see at the library. Base your decisions about what technologies to implement on where your patrons are (and where your staff is) ? not on what looks cool. Not every library should be implementing the same sort of technologies. It all should be based on your population?s needs. What a concise, eloquent statement. That’s what […]