Update: My Students are BLOGGING!

I know I’ve mentioned that I’m teaching at Dominican University SLIS this fall. One thing I really wanted to do with this group was introduce them to the Biblioblogosphere as readers and bloggers! From this came an assignment: they all got Blogger blogs the first weekend of class. Their task: 5 blog posts about libraries, technology and the Web! Natalie agreed to let me post a link to her site as a sample..and note her links to many other members of the class. these folks are doing well!


Update: Rick made a great comment and I wanted to put it up above. Here goes:

“Michael, this is a really great idea. I think veteran librarians could learn something from following these posts. They may think the new librarians in training know the web stuff, but following these new blogs they can see they don’t. Maybe some reluctant older librarians could then connect with the students and learn with them without feeling so out of it. Rick”

Great point. What I get from this is maybe part of an early library school class should be spent exploring the Biblioblogosphere and LIS wikis. Thanks Rick!