Monthly Archives: December 2005

53 posts

10 Reasons to Use Flickr at Your Library

A few days ago I wrote about libraries getting flickr accouints. Need some proof to sell the expenditure to your director? How’s this for putting your library out there: Murder by the Book A Reminder from the College Dining Room: Historical Document Library Storytime Van Gaming Exhibition Library Holiday Ornament Author Signing “Dare to Read” Library Book Displays Promoting and Sharing a Conference/Workshop* Showing folks the building! Harry Potter Day! *And all you library organizations and companies out there — same goes for you too! Think of the promotional opportunities! Grab an account and get some pictures in the pool!

New Skype Services (and another Avatar)

Sherri reports about new stuff at Skype: Both Sherri and I are waiting for updates to the Mac OS X version of Skype. I think I mighht be inclined to get a tad more serious when these enhancements roll out. For now, like Sherri, I spent some time creating an avatar (two actually). I’m tickled I could put the avatar in London.

Will Richardson on Transparency, Teachers & Tools

I always enjoy Will’s posts because so many of them can apply to librarians as well as teachers. His recent “It’s Not the Teachers” is no exception. And now that the technologies create as much transparency as they do, it’s even more about vision and leadership (or lack thereof.) This is good stuff. So often, Will states, teachers implement new technologies and campaign for their use UP to administrators. How many librarians have done the same? About blogs? Wikis? And this blows me away: (Bolding is mine) Obviously, I think that needs to change. We need to create ecologies at […]

Abram on Library 2.0 and the Cluetrain

Rock On! Read Stephen Abram’s The Shop Window: Compelling and Dynamic Library Portals: There has been much discussion lately about the emergence of the next generation Web, colloquially referred to as Web 2.0. This is the emerging interactive Web, where two-way conversations are the norm, indeed the expectation. People demand these forms of advanced interaction with people and information. Those of us in Libraryland will be naive to ignore it, for it could hurt us. This emerging paradigm of the two-way Web is perfect for libraries. Indeed, some library folks are starting to talk about Library 2.0. Cool! It brings […]