Monthly Archives: January 2006

60 posts

Giving iLife ’06 a Trial Run

I’ve spent the last 90 minutes or so exploring iLife ’06 from Apple. It’s new this week and boasts loads of features. iPhoto runs smoother, the apps are even more integrated but the most intriguing pieces are iWeb and the Podcast Studio of Garageband. Here’s a flickr set: I was able to record a podcast in about 25 minutes and mix it down for iWeb to post at my .mac account. You can see the podcast blog and hear the podcast here: There is a learning curve for Garageband but it’s not bad at all once you get […]

Learning 2.0 Bootcamp The Otter Group rolls out a program for integrating social software into learning! We are pleased to announce our new Learning 2.0 Boot Camp. The main focus on the Learning 2.0 Boot Camp will be the development of a plan for a Learning 2.0 project. You will work in a team to define a project idea, develop a plan, and deliver the plan as a podcast and slide set. Projects will likely take existing business processes and services and re-develop them into new models based on Web 2.0 services. Your team might find a way to distribute information more […]

Wayne State University Blog/Wiki/RSS/Podcast Librarian

Great job open at Wayne State University libraries. Get a load of the duties: This is a newly created position that will provide leadership and vision for “transformative technologies” in the provision of library resources and services. Reporting to the Director of Public Services the incumbent: Creates communication venues and distributes content via digital tools such as blogs and wikis for the library system website; Develops and delivers library instruction through podcasts and multimedia webcasts; Promotes community via new technologies within the library and virtually via IM and other emerging communication mechanisms; Enhances the WSU Library System web presence with […]

11 Reasons why Library 2.0 Exists and Matters

John Blyberg weighs in on the L2 discussion with a post that blows my socks off! Just a snippet: L2 is actually happening I differ with those that believe L2 is all theory and no action. I’m seeing a number of libraries taking the initiative right now. There are not just gaming conferences, there are actual gaming programs. Individuals are not just talking about their plans to use IM for virtual reference–they’re doing it now. Coffee shops are opening up in libraries, policies are being rewritten, facilities are being built to reflect some of these changes. I don’t buy […]

Stephen Abram on Librarian 2.0

From Abram’s HOT HOT HOT article “Web 2.0 – Huh?! Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0” that will hit tomorrow. (Link forthcoming) This list, however, speaks to me deeply. It pulls everything together that I have been thinking, writing and speaking about as well as what I’ve learned from librarians who truly recognize what user-centered service is all about. These are skills, POVs and attitudes we need to move forward. Librarian 2.0 is the guru of the information age. Librarian 2.0 strives to Understands the power of the Web 2.0 opportunities Learns the major tools of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 Combines […]