Daily Archives: February 27, 2006

5 posts

About Darn Time!

(David said I could call the post that!) http://www.davidleeking.com/ Take a look at David King’s snazzy new blog, complete with categories and such! WooHoo! My favoriter category right now is the postings devoted to the Experience Economy. Give it a read at http://www.davidleeking.com/category/experience-economy/ I’m reminded of the first time I met David — Bob Lewandowskli and I timidly approached him outsdide of XandO (now Cosi) in Dupont Circle at CIL 2004. I just had to say “You Rock” to him about his take on library web sites.

What Alane and Stephen Said!

Great posts about the L2 discussion from two of my all time favorite voices of the biblioblogosphere: http://scanblog.blogspot.com/2006/02/what-stephen-said.html http://stephenslighthouse.sirsi.com/archives/2006/02/the_library_20_1.html Alane writes: Stephen Abram has written a long post, The Library 2.0 ‘Bandwagon’, in which he suggests in what concrete ways Lib2.0 would be different from Lib1.0. If you’re feeling woolly-headed about Lib2.0, read Stephen’s take on it. What he said. “The users are moving into the control position. Libraries are no longer able to drive the good bus ‘library’ alone.” I am pretty sure that when libraries’ systems and services are more transparent and accessible to users, and so may […]