Monthly Archives: April 2006

67 posts

Think About This: “He was told what HE had to do”

The reactions from the room were almost aggressive, a few actually got angry. This guy, or so he was told by audience, should enrol in a course on information skills. If he only was ready to spend some time on learning these tools, he would be very pleased with the results and understand what is going on. The library offers great tools, even if the complexities of information delivery cause them to be relatively difficult to handle. The scholar should have worked with us, or at least should have tried to learn the necessary skills, the audience said. I was […]

Die Hard on ALA!

From one of the L2 Boot Camp blogs, Die Hard: I think we’ve seen this at ALA. We’ve been cut by the leading edge a few times and so we wait. And sometimes, it takes awhile for our efforts at providing more to take hold. I know this sounds like I know who signs my paycheck, but I have to agree with “The Hat” that ALA needs to continuously incoporate new tools and reach out to those who are bleeding on the cutting edge to encourage them as much as to ask their advice. That’s what really got me here, […]

Gotta Squidoo*

The ALA Library 2.0 Innovation Bootcamp kicked off while Jenny and I were in Washington State doing the Roadshow for the Washington Library Association. The first coiuple of weeks are devoted to pre-work: learning about various tolls, listening to podcasts and reading. Enter Squidoo: We set the Library 2.0 Reading list up as a Squidoo lens: Squidoo allows a “lensmaster” to create a Web page easily, pulling in static content, feeds, and images. Phil Bradley turned me on to it and I see many uses! *with apologies to Phish

I Second that Emotion!

Jenny welcomes Mary Ghikas to the Biblioblogosphere! And I, too, am just tickled! Cluetrain Manifesto #3 & #4: Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice. | Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived. Mary Ghikas on the Biblioblogosphere from her first blog post: As I’ve explored the “biblioblogosphere,” I’ve been struck by several things. First has been the vitality and generosity of the professional exchange taking place. I have shamelessly grabbed references to other blogs and web sites, to interesting papers and new […]

An IM Refererence Report

I received a nice e-mail from a librarian at met at CIL. Liesbeth Mantel from Erasmus University Library, Rotterdam, The Netherlands asked if we might discuss IM a bit. She blogs at I’ve heard from other colleagues in Europe that a lot of librarians are starting to talk about IM reference, which makes me happy. I asked Liesbeth if I could post this at TTW as well and she said yes. Liesbeth sent a set of questions I’ll do my best to answer. IM Librarians: please comment or e-mail if you have more to add! I’d also point you […]

The Goblin on L2

Library 2.0 isn’t really about Ajax or RSS feeds or open APIs. Those are just emblematic of what Library 2.0 really is: a DIY aesthetic and a manic demand to constantly change our libraries and our selves. Read more at:

TTW Comments Feed!

Steve Lawson, author of See Also, RULES the SCHOOL today! Subscribe to TTW Comments Steve emailed: To get this to work, go to Templates, and create a new index template. I named mine “RSS 2.0 Comments” and gave it the filename “comments.xml”. Cut and paste the code below. Save and rebuild and see what show up at If it looks OK-ish, let me know and I’ll subscribe and see how it looks in my aggregator. -Steve Steve included the code and I followed his directions and BOOM! comments! Thanks Steve!