Monthly Archives: November 2006

80 posts

So what do I do with that MLS?

Yesterday, the folks in my UNT Cohort had a little email discussion. Someone was wondering why they should attend library school and had asked one of the cohort for insight. Links and articles were exchanged in that cool librarian way. It really ties in well with a discussion we had last night in my LIS701 class about job description and pay. Here are some pointers from that exchange: LJ Salary Survey: Information on where recent University of Michigan School of Information students found jobs upon graduation: “What Can I Do with an MSI?” at Texas Library Association […]

Notable Notes

Things I’m reading whilst Waiting for the Refrigerator Repairman: The Library 2.0 Roundup: Excellent clearinghouse of posts, discussions, articles and suck from LIS student Jennifer Macaulay. The State of the Blogosphere: As you can see, growth in the numbers of blogs tracked by Technorati continues to grow briskly. While the doubling of the blogosphere has slowed a bit (every 236 days or so, here’s the historical data) , interest in blogging remains considerable. About 55% of all blogs are active, which means that they have been updated at least once in the last 3 months. More on Millennials: […]

Please Welcome Brian Kelly to the Biblioblogosphere Phil Bradley, Paul Miller and I chided Brian Kelly about the fact that he was the one who didn’t have a blog amongst the panelists during the Library 2.0 session at Internet Librarian International. It was all in good fun. Paul Miller emailed this am to let me know Brian had entered the Biblioblogosphere. Take a look. Welcome to the UK Web Focus Blog. As my tenth anniversary as UK Web Focus at UKOLN arrives, it is clearly time for me to set up a Blog to support my role as a Web adviser to the UK higher and […]

SLJ Summit Podcast: Panelists Discuss SL2

At the end of the day Friday, David Warlick recorded a podcast discussion with the panelists. Take a listen to hear some thoughts about the read/Write School Media Center. I was impressed at how easy and fluid this was” David had a mic for his iPod, we went round robin and each person responded to questions or comments from the other folks. Yet another way to capture idea, thinking and conversations in the thick of a conference or workshop.

Brian Kenney Challenges Public Library Directors

Brian Kenney, editor of SLJ, urges public libraries to provide more activities, tools and tech for young people. Most librarians get it..but: It’s the public library directors who need to listen. Staff members need better tools and skills, while their youth need more space, materials, and computers. As Gómez says, “We cannot view out-of-school-time programming and services as an adjunct to core library services.” For that to be true, a lot of public library directors will need to take a hard look at their library’s resources and how they’re spent. Maybe it’s time to stop moaning about that seldom-visited […]