Monthly Archives: January 2007

61 posts

Resources for Publishing Student Works

I had some remarkable papers last semester. Thoughtful, well-researched, concise and full of critical assessments of libraries past, present and future. Here are some venues for students to publish their work: Library Student Journal: Post Tracks: Are there others?

Gold from the Biblioblogosphere

My holiday break is waning. It’s been wonderful but it’s almost time to get back to school. As I pack and prepare to head back to Dominican, I note some nuggets of gold in my aggregator. Happily, I can point my students to these wonderful blog posts next semester! David King on Invited Participation I linked to this already, but this is a series to watch. Management 2.0 and the Trumpeter in the Attic I heart this: “Today for the first time I heard the phrase “Management 2.0.” I guess I knew that was coming.” but this is the gem: […]

Telling Stories

Via The M Word Blog comes another example of libraries doing interesting things with video: We love stories at the library and have discovered a wonderful new way to tell them. Millions of others have discovered it too: YouTube. YouTube hosts videos from throughout the world…at no charge. I love stories too, especially those that share with users, staff and governing bodies how important libraries can be in the lives of users. And here’s the part I really like: At the library web site, we are using YouTube to help us tell stories about the library and reading. And […]

Learning 2.0: Don’t Miss this FREE Opportunity!

Via AL Direct! This is so HOT my Mac is smoking! As the Nationwide insurance commercials taunt “life comes at you fast”, it’s time for librarians to jump into the knowledge pool of Web 2.0 technologies and discover how these tools are changing the way many library users communicate, collaborate and receive information. Helene Blowers, Technology Director for the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County shares insights and best practices around the creation of Learning 2.0, an online self-discovery program designed to encourage staff to explore new technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts etc.) and reward them for “play.” Join […]

You 2.0

Don’t miss Brian Kenney’s new editorial at School Library Journal: Back when many of us signed up for this librarian gig, we were told that “keeping up” was a vital part of the job. That meant reading publications like SLJ, knowing what was being published in your field, tracking database content, while keeping abreast of your users’ world, whether that was elementary education or pharmacology. Now it’s all changed. We still need to read our professional publications (in some format or other) and keep current with our users’ lives. But we also need to be active participants in the new […]

More Wheels in the Library! (or Librarian Transport of the Future)

Sean Robinson sends this photo to TTW. Lynn, the new General Reference librarian at the recently-renovated Allen County Public Library tests out her new Segway at the construction site. Sean reports: “It is her personal Segway and she is traveling to work on it. Since we are bringing up the new library and moving material to the new location Lynn has been using the Segway to go back and forth from the old location which is just down the street to the new location. She said that it goes about 12 mph.” Sean talked tothe director about this and showed […]

Libraries, Netflix & BookSwim Jeff up in TC alerts me to this post at How I Would Run a Library System: In a word: Netflix. The queue system is a perfect fit for books, maybe even a better fit than it is for movies. People will pay money for this service(perhaps not $20 a month). Removing unpopular books from shelves isn’t such a bad idea, but keep them somewhere, available for circulation. Stick a URL on the inside cover of every book that goes to an online discussion board for that book. Either after check-in or a week after check-out, email the […]