Love it! And thanks to Nicole for tagging me. Allow me to add 5 blogs I read beyond the Biblioblogosphere, skipping over trashy celebrity gossip blogs I just might glance at..on occassion…sometimes…
The Copy Blogger: Insights, tips and “how to’s” for making your blog a standout. Great stuff for librarians writing blog posts for their libraries to consider.
The Church of the Customer Blog: Customer evangelists. Companies on the Cluetrain. This blog is fascinating. It was here I found out about the Kohl’s kerfuffle that I use in tech trend talks. A useful blog that can get readers thinking about how we meet our “customers.”
Weblogg-ed: Will Richardson writes about the use and impact of the Read/Write Web in the classroom. His themes and thinking always inspire me to look at libraries differently.
43 Folders: From personal productivity guru Merlin Mann is this life hacks and tips blog that just recently added a video blogging component.
Logic + Emotion: David Armano blogs about the” intersection of Marketing, Brand Engagement + Experience Design—where passive consumers become active participants.”
Podcasts I enjoy include Grammar Girl (I suggest GG to my students all the time), Mr. Manners and Money Girl, all available at I also look forward to MacBreak Weekly.