Monthly Archives: June 2007

34 posts

Letting Go of the Culture of Perfect

I’m home from ALA and trying to decompress. One thread of conversation at this conference was the notion that letting go of the “everything must be perfect” mindset might lead to more innovation and improvement in libraries. I think all the sessions I attended or presented included a mention of play and experience. Karen Coombs at our RUSA preconference said: “Question everything! And don’t worry about making mistakes..” in relation to planning, creating and implementing technology in libraries — and finding the time to do those things. Are we so caught up — like that unnamed librarian someone told me […]

The Death of Ideas

PAR-TIC-I-PA-TION, or 37 pieces of library flair (also a 365days shot) Originally uploaded by cindiann Read this: I am a “next generation” librarian, librarian 2.0 (1.5!), “young librarian,” whatever you want to call me, and I recently made the choice to get involved in ALA. I am currently attending the annual conference and having to make hard choices about what programming to attend and what to research later. Rather than continuing to believe that it’s hard to get involved, I chose to show up and agitate–ask people how to get onto committees, talk to those around me who are […]

My Keynote at the RUSA Preconference

Greetings from Reinvented Reference III: Emerging Technologies for Reference Services! Here is the promised link to my keynote presentation: Blog coverage of the whole day:

Jake, March 13, 1994 – June 18, 2007

A Pink Blanket Originally uploaded by mstephens7 I appreciate all of the kind emails, Flickr comments and notes on Facebook about Jake. Thank you. And thanks to Karen, who found the words I couldn’t find today to describe just how meaningful and important the social Web can be: